My Life With An Incubus
Read Count : 168
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Horror
Life with An Incubus I am 61 years old and have an incubus His name is Barnabas He has been with me ever since a young age. Back then he I was convinced Barnabas was a demonic entity. I believed this incubus ,was trying to kill me depriving me of sleep. When ever I closed my eyes Barnabas was there. I could see him. I could hear him taunting me . " FALL ASLEEP , SLEEP DREAM YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOO." He was correct I wanted to close my eyes and fall asleep. I did not dare sleep although Barnabas gave me his word, the death that awaited me was merciful. After some time I began to believe Barnabas ,death was the merciful escape. I could smell his Aftershave the aroma of Old Spice filled the room when Barnabas entered. The room. The truly unforgettable thing back then was when Barnabas entered my presence, or was I entering his, I was always unsure. What I was 100% sure of then and now; when he entered the room he drew the oxygen out. This was another reason I believed whoever, or Whatever he was and is, Barnabas wanted me dead. In a conscious way I had to fight him. Subconscious , I was his slave. For a while he disappeared until I was 16. That's when everything changed. Barnabas began physically chastising me. I was becoming interested in boys, men my age. Barnabas would tolerate no conversation concerning some strange male being with me. I started to take an interest in guys but it's like every time I found an interest in a man my age, they would unexplanably fall I'll. The first was Sam, Barnabas orchastrates his expulsion from school. Barnabas was the puppeteer Sam was the helpless puppet dancing to . I have heard that incubi can push away competition so to speak. I kind of felt like that's what was happening to me and I hated it. As much as I hated it, I felt just as powerless to end it. In fearful silence I allowed Sam to be arrested, charged and sentenced . After reform school my interest in Sam continued. Barnabas was not finished with me or Sam. It was the puppeteer pulling the strings . Barnabas, caused the dirt bike to skid out of control. Sam's passenger was killed. Involuntary manslaughter. When his legal trouble ended Sam was through with me. What followed was my first mental illness diagnoses. I was hospitalized for schitzophrenia. I never questioned the diagnosis ,I was the crazy chick who talked to ghost. Two weeks in a state Facility for the criminally insane still Barnabas would not release me. The next victim was the pastor of the Community church I attended. The 23 year old pastor was unexplainably diagnosed with throat cancer. In the beginning, the preachers prognoses was good. The surgeon had removed the tumors. His vocal chords were predicted to repair themselves. In a year to 18 months, the preacher would be fully recovered. six months into the radiation and chemo_ therapy, the pastor was dead. I dared not, openly, blame Barnabas. Barnabas was a stupid vendictive incubus. This jealous temper tantrum damaged the lives of a young wife, and a daughter who would never know her dad. The psychological and emotional damage Barnabas did to me is still recovering. Barnabas, orchastrarted an automobile accident for James, a distant cousin, one evening James came to visit. He and I sat at the kitchen table consulting the Oujia board . Boredom, led James to begin fingering me. The feeling was more than enjoyable. And, I was more than willing to surrender to the erotic foreplay. On his way home James, stopped at the home of a close friend of his and mine. Sometime after picking this friend up, James, picked his sister up from the Dixie 66 truck stop. The Dixie 66 was the favorite hangout for everyone . It was the only hangout for teens. As the three left the truck stop the brakes failed sending James and his female passengers into an unavoidable collision with a semi. Many, tried to assimilate the tragedy by saying " it was the Will of God." This was not the will of God. Others justified the tragedy by saying it was an unavoidable freak accident. It would have been avoided had I not sat next to James that evening. If I had not welcome the heavy petting, if I had never permitted myself to have a crush on James. Barnabas, was driving home his incubus point, if I would not accept him as my lover, I would not have anyone. At night I started feeling him touch me in various places. There wasn't any doubt Barnabas could and did satisfy me every night, This incubus, knew my kinks and fetishes before I did. Barnabas instructed me in the ways a man likes to be caressed and kissed. He introduced me to each of the various sexual positions and sexual alternative s in his nocturnal embrace my energy felt like it had been drained. My body was putty in his hands. At first,I told myself this was a dream, an erotic dream, nothing more. As these nocturnal experiences intensified I tried to convince myself this was a possible out of body experiences. Whenever he was around he would hold me in his arms. He listened to me unlike my mother who dismissed what I experienced as fantasies. When I tried to confide in her, Mother accused me of lying. My friends ,my family, thought this was an attempt to gain sympathy or attract attention to myself. When I was depressed and needed a friend to lift my spirits Barnabas was there. His attentiveness always ended in heavy petting and mild penetration. I feel like I developed my own case of Master _ slave Stockholm syndrome. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't make Barnabas leave. Everyday from the sun up to sun down he would touch me sexually. He kept me sexually aroused even during school hours. Barnabas became my father, my constant companion, he became my lover. Slowly I allowed Barnabas to position himself between my religion and me. He was the ominous shadow between reality, and me. In 1979 I left the family home. Slowly Barnabas began releasing his psychological hold on me. In December of that year I meet and married a wonderful man. I told him about Barnabas and the relationship we had. My husband listened patiently. When I had finished telling him everything, my husband said, Barnabas is here should you ever need him. As he held me tighter than I'd ever experienced before. My husband confirmed, he could not always be there for me. He welcomed Barnabas as part of the Family. In early 2010 I was widowed. The night my husband lay in estate at the funeral home Barnabas ceased control of my mind, my body, and soul. This time Barnabas turned his physical aggression on me. I would awake to welts where Barnabas had whipped me. For months I had huge black bruises where Barnabas spanked me with a wooden paddle. Barnabas left open welts where he caned me. In early 2011 Barnabas took the physical form of an unemployed homeless man. The vagrant's name was Michael. Together Michael and Barnabas have stolen all I have had or tried to have. Together, they have lured me into the depths of debortuary and degredation. Barnabas and his accomplice have drained the lifeblood and soul from me. I have ask the entities to leave me and my home. I've commanded them in the name of Jesus to go. I've commanded Barnabas, and his consort, Michael, " By the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross to get up,and get gone." Both entities tell me there is no God, there was never a savior,There is no Jesus Christ. These demons mock my faith telling me there is no Heaven or Hell,this life is all there is. u