My Lucky Day
Read Count : 450
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
MY LUCKY DAY! (Revised version) I drove north out of Arizona, leaving the Sanoran Desert, and directly into the Mojave as I drove into Nevada. After my last kill in Cali, I decided to take the scenic route. It was a close one in Cali. The incident actually shook my normal nerves of steel. Not only did I have to wipe my brow sweat, but I think I pissed my pants too. Yeah, I made the cardinal sin. One I swore would never happen... I developed feelings for a victim. You see I get off looking into their beautiful young eyes when they try to gasp that final breath of air. This time, I actually got a nut when it happened. I live and do what I do for 'Perfect Moments' like this. Her name was Kayla. Unlike most of my victims this young, Kayla wasn't a virgin. I didn't even have to rape her. Normally I shoot them right between the eyes if find out their not a virgin. Shit, I turned her on to a big line of meth. Actually, 'turned on' really isn't the right phrase. I mean... I did turn kayla on. She just didn't know it. But... She's already feeling the effects. She's starting to rub on her upper thighs. I'm sure most of society wouldn't approve of my disease. Especially If it's their daughter. Ha! Suddenly I hear Kayla sigh followed by a moan. What's up Kayla? You OK Sugar Dumpling?' I ask. "Hey, pull the Winnebago over quick," She demanded. Well, I pulled over and slammed her in park alright. What happened next I didn't see coming. Honest to God! She was all over me and it got wild and crazy to say the least. When Kayla was finally through with me four hours had passed by before we both finally came. I'm surprised the Highway Patrol hadn't stopped and ask why we were parked. 'MY LUCKY DAY!' So I crank her back up and take the Highway... Quick as possible. Just as I pass the welcome sign in Nevada, I see a silhouette out in the distant horizon. As I got a little closer. Unless my eyes are defying me, it looks like a woman. A fine one too, and she's hitchhiking. Like I said, 'MY LUCKY DAY!!' As I close in I plainly see it is a woman, but, not my normal pick. She looks like shes 25... Maybe 26. Have no doubt though, this woman is gorgeous. Dressed in tight black leather pants with a matching halter top, and black leather boots with 3" heels. Long black wavy hair resting on the top of her beautiful firm breasts. Oh, and those big dark, mysterious eyes.So I pull over and ask her where she's heading. 'Out of this God forsaken desert place.' She replies... It almost seems surreal. 'Climb aboard sweetheart.' I say as she stares into my eye's with this evil, evil look. Boy, she's making me want her alive. Suddenly I notice she's carrying a black leather duffle bag. 'What's in the bag honey?' I ask. 'Just a few of my trophies.' She replies Hmm.... I'm thinking, so I ask her her name. She tells me 'Destiny.' Strangely, she never asks mine. So I jump right in... 'Hey Des, want to get high baby doll?' She snapped her neck so quick I thought she was possessed or something. She locked those dark beautiful eyes on mine and demands 'First, let me see what kind of man you really are... Eat my pussy' This was not part of the script, but when I looked over she was butt naked. Again, I pulled off the highway and slammed the Winnebago to a halt. She was already lying 0n her back on the card table spread eagle. Before I could mutter a word she grabbed my head and slammed it between her legs. I started licking her clit forcing a few fingers deep in her pussy while sucking her clit between my teeth in a steady rhythm. The sounds of her moans so sexy I thought I was about to nut. A few seconds later she shouted out a scream as her pussy juices ran down my chin. As I lifted my head for a most needed gasp of breath I saw the solid gold sword coming so fast towards my neck I didn't have time to react. In a split second my decapitated head bounced once on the table, then rolled to a stop. Destiny pulled out a dagger and carved one word in my forehead, 'DESTINY' She stepped out of the Winnebago, took three steps, and vanished in a mist that seemed to come from nowhere.