A Fathers Love_ The Chaperone
Read Count : 146
Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
I and my fiance Donald Earl Warden had returned from an outing to Paul B.Johnson state Park near Hattiesburg Mississippi. Donnie was bouncing senarios off me concerning the best way to approach mother and ask for her permission to marry me. The concept was quant and old world. But, charming and quaint might possibly work. Donald had expressed how much easier this would be if my father was still in the home. What Donald meant to say was, he would have less anxiety asking if he were talking man to man. Jokingly, I asked how much different can it be for you to have your " Man to man " talk with my mom. I humorously said my mom, is a man, she was sewn into the wrong packaging. We both laughed. Because I persued the issue Donald explained, if your father was the one I was having the conversation with he would invite my dad on a fishing trip. Maybe, he would buy the old man a beer or three. Then when he felt they were on Buddy terms he would ask for permission to marry me. I laughed, forget buying my mom a beer she prefers mixed drinks. Mother is at the pond fishing . You can offer her a cigarette . Don't forget, be a gentleman and offer to light it for her. Quietly sit beside her and fish until she opens the forum for conversation. Casually, gradually work the conversation around to me, to us, and the marriage. As Donald and I continued to lay beside each other the petting became heavier. Suddenly, every door and window in the house opened and slammed shut. Donald jumped straight up landing on his feet beside the bed. Startled he asked, who or what was that ? Calmly, I responded, oh ! That, that was my daddy. He heard you ask to speak to him. Well, Daddy's here and he is displeased. In light of what he had witnessed Donald decided talking to my mother wasn't so difficult. She was alive. Donald reasoned he could see my mom, he could hear her voice and judge her pleasure or displeasure by her facial. Expressions, her body language and the tone in her voice. Donald returned from the conversation with my mom. He said she had given her blessing. Donald and I only thought mother had given her blessing. In time, Donald would take his place with the other men in the depths of mother's favorite pond .Soon Donald would become one of several missing persons who thought they would marry me and take me away from Morgan Lee Road and mother.