Machete Ghost Read Count : 126

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror


The only visible sign of improvement at Number 1 Morgan Lee Road  is a 1969_ 1970 three bedroom ,bath and a half brick home built by Singly Construction Company of Columbia, Mississippi. The original blue prints and various diagrams were completely revised at the insistence of the owner Evelyn Lee Williamson Wells. The blue prints called for a skylite just beneath the overhang of the roof. Evelyn feared the sky lite would make the house too dark.  So on her demand the sky!lite surround was killed and alterations to the archetectral design to allow  windows and a sliding glass door.  Evelyn had several phobias about the darkness. Number 1 Morgan Lee Road was her home, her personal domain. Evelyn would have ample doors and windows in her castle.

Before the construction was complete bizzare sightings and events begun to occur. There was one occurrence that stands out in my memory of number 1 Morgan Lee Road was the  cracked concrete . The spiral cracks appeared overnight. In the center was a shotgun hole the size and shape of a very large human fist. The Identity of this vandal was never revealed. No sooner would the construction crew repair the damage and leave the same identical hole and radiating spirals returned.

The immediate harm the unknown Vandal caused was a delay. With each repair Evelyn's move in date had to be postponed by several days ,in some cases, the date was pushed back several weeks. It was beginning to feel this home was never meant to ours. Someone, or something did not want us, or Evelyn to occupy # 1 Morgan Lee Road. 

In August 1969 the area was ravaged by the tropical cyclone Camille. Camille was far from a tropical storm or a cyclone. This storm was a category 5+ hurricane the core of the storm was dozens of F_ 5 tornadoes entwined, entahgled and ,if possible intermarried. Camille, was the hand of a supernatural call her God, or Satan.

Camille was no lady. The  theory was the moisture beneath the ground was preventing the foundation from setting properly. Through the first several occurrences Evelyn and I accepted this rational sounding explanation. Then my fourteen year old female mind began to analyze the problem . The problem occurred and reoccurred in the exact spot each time. Why? The crater was exactly the same Everytime;  The radiating spirals were always the same dementions ,exactly the same distance apart. In nature would not some variation occur ?  My mind said yes.

If Nature or natural events were the culprit would not the other newly constructed homes experience the same event ? Again my adolescent female mind said yes. My two uncles with nearby homes under construction had not experienced any setbacks, delays, or construction problems. Why was our location,our home different ? No one seemed to have an Rock solid explanation for this occurance.

The second theory hypothesis,if you will was shoddy construction by the crews. If the construction crew were negligent would they not risk Evelyn may withhold payment until she was satisfied with their workmanship ? 

There is a second part to the shoddy construction theory. The construction crew was irritated with Evelyn's moment by moment supervision and dictation on how the rooms were to be constructed. This is where the constructions differ. Evelyn's brothers did not frequent the construction site, they did not interfere with or give advice to the crews.  They trusted the people they hired to provide this service. If this damage was the vendetta of an irrate crew ,someone should have seen something. Someone should have heard something. 

  Number 1 , Morgan Lee Road was not, is not an isolated area. Evelyn, was blessed, or cursed, with her family as her neighbors. Her mother, lived on the hill top behind Evelyn's Morgan Lee Road address. Granny Lee, observed everything on Morgan Lee Road especially, Evelyn, myself, and my sister. It was accepted as truth, there was precious little Grandmother did not see through her binoculars. If she had seen anything suspicious the family Matriarch would have sounded the alarm .until someone responded positively, her husband,and son, left Lee Hill and Morgan Lee Road to her,and her surviving children after her. As Matriarch she would PROTECT what was hers.


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