The Beginning Of Purpose Read Count : 143

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
From the moment it was positive. To the sound of your tiny heart beating. To the very first time I heard your voice crying for comfort. To your first tooth, the first time you crawled, stood, walked, and ran. The glimmer of hope and all things that was & are to be, that glisten in your eyes. To the big smile you have. The brown curls bouncing, holding your tiny chubby hand out to me. To the special priceless moments, at home when we put your favorite cartoon on and you cuddle up to me and slip off into your sweet innocent dreams. 

My daughter, you are everything in me that is good. You are every reason I stand up and fight, effortlessly. You make time, sorrow, and exhaustion fade into a abyss. I knew you before you existed, I knew your name before you were created. Many years past and I was assured I would not meet you, I was so sure I would not be so special and loved unconditionally. Now, it is so set. I am your mother. 

****I could not imagine, my life without my daughter. My heart breaks Everytime I hear about a mother losing her child or betraying her child. Before I even thought about having children, I would have dreams of being a mom. And my child was exactly like my daughter. Same personality, just like I could sense her. I didn't believe I would be a mother. It's the greatest reason, purpose, whatever you may call it. 

April 24th 2016 @10:25am 
A beautiful brown eye head full of cruly brown  hair little baby girl changed my life and the world. Lynnadi Storm was born. 


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