My Stud (part 1)
Read Count : 167
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Erotic
My stud (part 1) She kept thinking about yesterday's fight and the state she had left her girlfriend in the day before and now “she needed to talk!” , those words left Reena in a state of panic. It could have been the fear of being dumped, loosing her girlfriend that she loves so much over meaningless relationships and then having to go back home to face her family with an okay face as if nothing at all had happened only to wait till midnight so she can freely cry. “What's there to even talk about” the girl thought to herself as she walked slowly to her girlfriend's place, she wanted to delay her arrival so that no matter what happens, Lihle ends up with not enough time to dump her. She had it all calculated in her mind, all the steps and every move, she was ready . She even had shades on to cover her teary eyes in case of a miscalculation, she was ready. She walked slower and slower as she approached the house where she had left her girlfriend in deep melancholy the day before. She had never seen her cry before but she did not stay to comfort her because of her eyes, she looked at her as if she would vanquish her had she been within a foot in distance. She cried out loudly , louder that Reena had ever anticipated because of her mannerism. She always displayed a sort of manliness that Reena liked although she knew that beyond all that clothing and attitude there was a women’s heart , “You enjoy this don't you! Please leave me alone” she had said in between sobbing and Reena merely gathered all her belongings and ran out though the voice of Lihle crying haunted her. It still did yet the fear of being dumped proved to be more powerful and had overtook every thought in her mind. That day she had felt like such a zombie that she did not even notice some guy driving besides her as slowly as she was walking, probably trying to get her numbers, she merely looked at him and disappeared into the passage which was the final landmark before Lihles’s place. Upon her arrival, she slowly approached the door which was ajar then knocked lightly to no respond, she knocked again a bit harder this time as anxiety took over to the silence then she knocked ,this time letting herself in while a grumpy voice answered “Who...”, they met each other on the corner of the bedroom door. Reena couldn't help but smile despite all her faults and all that she had done wrong or should be feeling guilty about there was just something about Lihle that lit her up inside with a light so bright it had to be shone on the surface with a smile. Lihle almost smiled as well... Almost. But she just disappeared into the bedroom and Reena followed nervously behind. “You may sit” she said pointing at the bed and giving her a third of her attention whilst the rest was dedicated to her phone. She finally put it down and approached the bed on one end as far away from Reena as possible. She felt a knot clenching in her stomach, it was not butterflies but more like anger though she always had an issue displaying that sort of emotion. Her armpits were sweating, clearly she had miscalculated. At least I got the shades. Lihle could dump her now, she had all the required equipment, the motive and the home ground advantage. A taciturnity filled the room followed by a heartfelt speech from Lihle but Reena didn't hear most of it. Somehow her thoughts had went from paying attention to searching for that women she had seen in Lihle the day before, her mind had been lost in those eyes of hers . I love looking into your eyes . She tried her best to pay as much attention as possible or at least display an attentive face. In between all she was saying, Lihle would occasionally bite the edge of her lower lip. I love it when you do that. The next thing she knew the stud was walking towards her. I love it when you walk towards me from across the room. She was instantly shook back to reality, clearly they had come to an understanding of some sort “Darn it! You make me feel so dumb”, she thought to herself. Lihle was now standing in front of her looking deeply into her eyes, Reena reached out and held her hands “We won’t talk about her anymore”, they both agreed to this. The stud was now between her legs and she immediately squeezed her in her arms as soon as she noticed this, they both giggled a bit as Lihle tried to break free and Reena was left feeling extremely embarrassed for holding on too tightly. They both smiled though Lihle’s smile had a greater effect, it managed to turn Reena’s heart into butter. She was now a puppet in Lihle’s strings, a slave under her trans. Their locked eyes fell deeper into a kiss, a long passionate kiss, Reena felt it all, she felt her own hands all over Lihle’s body and Lihle’s hands all over hers, she felt the heat between their breath fall over her face and a gush of need flowing down her body and she didn't want to stop. She apologised after Lihle pulled back, she felt like a complete idiot and there was nothing she could do about it, she was under a trans. Every taste of Lihle’s lips had a drop of love portion which had long left her zonked. It was like an aphrodisiac. She looked at her with a smirk, she probably knew how desperate and in need Reena was right now, she reached for the zipper on her jeans. Yes! She wanted that yet she redirected her hands to her back then tugged her harder and kissed her, her legs were wide open and inviting to her wet core which was still a mystery hidden beyond the jeans and underwear. “We've never made love in this position” Reena said to the women standing between her legs,” Oh yeah?” answered Lihle in a smug of confidence, she knew where to touch and how to touch. She kissed her, hands roaming beneath her t-shirt, squeezing her breasts and pulling her further and further away from reality. She kissed her neck, leaving the poor girl begging for more until she had to beg “Make love to me...” the words chocked her, they were infused with mourns that were clogged in her throat. She smiled. Before she knew it Reena was lying on the bed with topless Lihle pressing against her skin, kissing her, making her more wet. She slid her hand down to her core then rubbed it against her underwear and the discovery of how wet she really was made her immediately remove every last piece of cloth on Reena’s body from her bra to her panties. She kissed her ear ,her neck, going down to her breasts and squeezing them ,feasting on them and licking them. Then she continued licking down to her navel. Reena’s legs were wide open waiting to be pleasured.
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