Rebellious Hold Read Count : 191

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
 how've you been?
It took me long
With you, I just can't pretend
My visions on life have changed
My views of myself keep shifting in so many different ways
The deeper I look
The more things change
Pulling my concentration 
Forcing my eyes to look away
Searching for another direction 
Have I been living a lie?
The person i believed you to be
Did i make myself subject to a false belief?
Now, with a clearer understanding of who you are
It's no-longer sustaining me
From you, I seem so far
I've deliberately ignored your presents
Bowing my head in disappointment 
In you, I only saw good
Yet, in these seconds
I'm only regretting the things I should
It's changed my soul
In which, I believed was untouchable
Now, I'm left here humming songs
Songs I use to sing that reminded me of your old
How do I ingage with you, as my heart fights to let you go?
I'm remaining
With limits
 in your presents
Just for a rebelling hold

Written by: Maiakla Stephens


  • DeErica  Allen

    DeErica Allen

    I love that keep writing it's great

    Apr 12, 2017

  • Apr 12, 2017

  • Apr 14, 2017

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