My First Story (paragraph 1) Read Count : 200

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
She stood at what seemed like the edge of the world. Hoping. Pondering the idea that there could be anything more in life. She had been alone too long. She had thought about jumping. Feeling like flying for the first and last time. But she took a step back. And began to walk her way back up the dirt road. Her bare feet pounding the  cold ground with each step. The wind carrying her dark hair through the space behind her.  She walked for a long time. When suddenly everything that was dark went black. As if, out of nowhere, whatever higher power that is out there had wrapped his hands around the earth. Closing off any light from twinkling stars. Shutting out the full red moon. Her whole world stopped. She thought for a moment that she was back at the earths edge, falling helplessly downward to the cliffs and water. It was too late. She thought she changed her mind and walked away! No! How could it have ended when she decided to keep fighting?!


  • Kathryn  Parker

    Kathryn Parker

    So far, the story is very captivating. Please keep it going!

    Apr 12, 2017

  • Mario Esteban

    Mario Esteban

    It started really good!

    Apr 16, 2017

  • Hibbly Gibbly

    Hibbly Gibbly

    I like where this is going, please continue.

    Apr 21, 2017

  • Apr 12, 2017

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