2/2/25 Your Message Via Dr. Youssef And Your Reflections Read Count : 6

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : spirituality
Acts 4:12 - Revelation 1:3
Revelation 1:1-5
Your Book of Revelations is about You, Glorified Jesus Christ and Holy of holies.
You never laid down Your Divinity, Lord and Savior.
Rather, King of Angels, You laid down Your Splendor of Your Magnitude so that we can relate to You and vice versa.
Persecution is not just from without, Boss and Creator, but it's from within.
Satan wanted to destroy Your People in their infancy, Immanuel and Yahweh Tsebaoth.
Satan's behind the visible and invisible conflicts, Author of Peace.
Satan attacks from multiple directions and his one goal is to get us so flabbergasted that we cannot even respond, Adonai.
Many times, he attacks via:
A. Government 
B. Laws
C. Physical Persecution 
D. Compromising Christians 
E. False teachings
You want Your Bride to be faithful to You alone no matter what others say, Lamb and Power of God.
You want us to look to You and You alone, Wonderful Counselor.
The Only One to thrive and not just survive is to keep our eyes on You, Word of God.
A. We are to look at You as the Faithful Witness and we can follow Your example with Your Help, Advocate.
B. We are to look to You as the Firstborn from the Dead, Faithful and True Witness.
C. We are to keep our eyes on You, Ruler of the Kings of the Earth.
You are the Controller of All Nations and Presider of the Universe, King of kings.
Soon and very soon, Lord of lords, we are going see You All.
Amen, thanks.


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