Loved, Indeed
Read Count : 42
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
And the mountains of my homeBring me peace in rainy daysWhere the sounds of leavesWhisper words of praiseHear the running brookTravel over stonesOn an unknown voyageSpeak in private tonesWhere is the journeyThat I wish to takeWhere is the adventureThat is not a mistakeWho will be a partnerCompanion completeWalk side by sideOn unfettered feetSee the sunlightShine a dubious eyeWonder what my meaningWonder what my strideWill I find the promised landHome of hope and peaceWill I find my familyLiving there in easeCall to me unhinderedBy cruelty and warCall to me, be trueThat’s what words are forSpeak the words of loveSpeak to hearts in needSpeak to GODS childrenYou are loved, indeed
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