The Promise 🥀
Read Count : 70
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
It seems like everytime
I was always in God's way
Thanking God for keeping my mind
I thank you for your grace
So many many many times
I felt like giving up
If it wasn't for His divine
I would still be stuck
In a world of confusion
Heartache, misery and pain
I came to this conclusion
To keep calling on your name
The only one who can save me
And never let me go
The One that made me
So I can let my light show
Never been no one's competition
I'm not trying to take your crown
It was your own ambition
I just wanted to be down
I stayed in my own lane
Adjusting my crown as I go
You can't make me feel ashame
Not after what I know
God would never let me be
And I'll never be the same
The promise is within me
Because I called on His name
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