Hidden Parts
Read Count : 34
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
HIDDEN PARTSThere are things I would rather leave undisturbed,not wanting to go through this ordeal,Killing these parts of my self,Emotions,dead, gone, left unrevived,These paths I would rather not ride,Bumby, scary, least of my crys,These things better left not said ,These walk rather left untrodden,These thought best left unprobed ,Whether the memory remains as fresh as dew,or as clear as glass,These are parts you rather leave buried and behind,All I want is quite simple and plain,To forget all these parts,I want to run, feel the wind against my hair,Soft music in my ears,Not hunted by these parts.I want to have a pure laugh,a cheering smile,Not having to deal with these parts .I want to shut my eyes, running wild my imagination ,Without having to see these parts.I just want to swim fully in the affairs of life,Feel its calm waves weave through my soul,Not having to face the stormy tides of these parts.I just want to move on like it never happened ,Move on like these parts never occured,Living like they never transpired,Like these parts aren't part of me.Nellup Ason,28/12/2024