Hidden Parts Read Count : 34

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

There are things I would rather leave undisturbed,

not  wanting to go through this ordeal,

Killing these parts of  my self,

Emotions,dead, gone, left unrevived,

These  paths I would rather not ride,

Bumby, scary,  least of my crys,

These things better  left not said ,

These walk rather left untrodden,

These thought best left unprobed ,

Whether the memory remains as fresh as dew,or as clear as glass,

These are  parts you rather leave buried and behind,

All I want is  quite simple and plain,

To  forget all these parts,

I want to run, feel the wind against my hair,

Soft music in my ears,

Not hunted by these parts.

I want to have a pure laugh,a cheering smile,

Not having to deal with these parts .

I want to shut my eyes, running wild my  imagination ,

Without having to see these parts.

I just want to swim fully in the affairs of life,

Feel its calm waves weave through my soul,

 Not having to face the stormy tides of these parts.

I just want  to move on like it never happened ,

 Move on like these  parts never occured,

 Living like they never transpired,

 Like these parts aren't part of me.

Nellup Ason,


  • Jan 08, 2025

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