How To Make Doo-Doo
Read Count : 133
Category : Recipes
Sub Category : Desserts
What you need Suppository Toliet Toilet Paper Febreeze Soap Water ■---------------------Directions----------------------■ Use a suppository and put it inside your butt hole. Then, suck the suppository inside your butt hole and wait for a few minutes. You might want to use Vaseline to help but when you hit feel it burn and feel it's about to come out then, sit on a toilet. Now, doo doo should start exploding out your butthole if it does then it means you did it correctly if the suppository pill came out then you failed!!!!!! Then, you wash your hands in the sink with soap then, get a fork knife or a spoon go back upstairs or down the hallway to your bathroom and use the fork knife or spoon you have your hands and start eating your doodoo from the toilet. If you have a pee pee in there make sure you get a so you can drink it. This is a mighty good dessert you should try it.
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