Read Count : 218
Category : Articles
Sub Category : Relationships
Camera opens on Patricia sitting on the corridor, putting her hands on her chin, thinking about what has happened to her.Patricia: (thought) “ can you imagine that stupid man I called my husband. Hmm, this man thinks he will kill me in this marriage but it won’t work. Someone i dedicatedly love alone all my my life, most of my friends who are married have one or two secret affair with with men that I know but I choose to be faithful to my husband, i have never had any sexual relations with any other man since my husband married me, this same man I did all of these still have the guts to cheat on me. I volunteered myself to prepare his favorite meal, pounded yam with vegetable soup filled with so much snail, stock fish and bush meat. After preparing this sumptuous meal. I even dish the meal out for him on the dining table. Only for me to go and call him so that we can enjoy the meal together, this wicked man was busy having sex with our house help, that shameless idiot on our matrimonial bed. I love Onyema so much and I am already pregnant for me. This is the best time I would have told him that our baby will soon arrive and he will soon be a father for I am carrying his child. I don’t think Onyema deserves me in his life, i will have to abort this unborn child, divorce him and move on with my life.On a second thought, i cannot kill my child. I will carry this child, deliver my child safely and raise my child by myself and I will tell my child that the father is late when my child ask me about his/her father. I must deal with …”“Patricia, what is wrong with you?” Jenny said as she tapped Patricia.Jenny: I have been screaming and shouting your name but you couldn’t hear me. Not until i tapped your back before you could hear me. Is there anything bothering you that I should know? Moreover, it’s getting late, won’t you go back to husband at home? I am sure he will be worried about you by now or did you tell him your whereabouts?Patricia replied sadly: “No, i didn’t tell him about my whereabout, he doesn’t know that i am here and I am not going back to that house.”Patricia fold her arms, gnashing her teeth as she was staring at her friend.Jenny: you so angry, what happened? Did your husband offend you?Patricia angrily got up from her seat and hurriedly ran to her room with tears. Jenny ran after her, calling her name. When Jenny opened the door and entered the room, she saw Patricia sitting on the bed with a pillow on her legs. She rested her elbows on the pillow and placed her hands beneath the lower jaw as she was crying and weeping.Jenny moved towards her her, sat beside her and comforted her.Jenny: Babe I’m very sorry. You shouldn’t be weeping like this or you’ll hurt yourself. Everything will be alright, okay?Patricia replied sobbingly: It is not okay with me and I am not going to forgive Onyema, my husband for what he did to me and you see this pregnancy, i am going to abort the baby in my womb and call for divorce immediately because i don’t want to have anything to do with that foolish, good for nothing, ungrateful man I called husband, you hear me?Jenny said surprisingly: oh! You are even pregnant. Wow! That’s a good news. Have you told your husband? I am sure he will be glad to hear this great news.Patricia replied her with annoyance: No, i am not telling that bastard.Jenny: Babe, please stop all these insults you rain on your husband, what has he done to deserve all the curses you rain on himPatricia: How do you mean? Anyways, watch your tongue my friend. I won’t sit here and watch you defend an angel you don’t know at allJenny: Hmmm! An angel? Then tell me what he has done. What has really happened between you two that made you to be mad at your husband.Patricia began to cry again as she was telling her friends the story.Patricia: my husband cheated on me.Jenny exclaimed: what! Putting her right hand on her head, biting her left finger. Patricia started to narrate the story as Jenny fold her arms, paying attention to her story.Patricia: My husband has been cheating on me all this while unknown to me until i caught him red handed sleeping with Kate, my house help.Jenny exclaimed: you mean your husband has been sleeping with your house help under the same roof unknown to you? Wonder shall never end, what a wicked world!Patricia: the worst of it all is that he was still denying the fact that they were doing nothing, someone I caught having sex with my maid on my matrimonial bed red handed. I will never forgive Onyema in my entire life and I am done with this marriage. He can go to hell for all I care, i don’t care who’s head is cut off anymore,ai?Jenny: No, Patricia do not say a thing like that. You have to forgive your husband and continue your marriage with him for the sake of this unborn child. Don’t you mind what what will people say about your marriage, don’t you think it will be humiliating once the news is everywhere? You see my friend, i won’t let you end your marriage because of what your husband did to you. You have to forgive and forget so that there will be peace in your home again. You have to forgive your husband and forget everything bad he did to hurt you. It is not going to be easy you have to do this because of your baby.Patricia: Don’t you get it? I said i don’t want the marriage again! Onyema can go to hell for all I care and as for this child, i am going to abort it and move on with my life or do you want to force me to continue marrying a man I don’t trust and love anymore, a man that don’t have respect or regard for me, a man who cheats on me? No i won’t let it happen.Jenny held Patricia as she pleaded with her.Jenny: Patribabe, i know you are upset right now but don’t let anger and unforgiveness ruin your marriage. I am begging you in the name of God to calm down. Please try and understand, i know you have pass through a lot this time and I know that what your husband did to you is unjustifiable and I am sure wherever he is right now, he will be feeling guilty and sorry right now. So please forgive your husband if he comes back to you but as for Kate, your house help, she must leave that house. That home destroyer of an evil lady, she is just a killer joy and I hate her so much. In short, I detest her and she did not only disgust me but also irritates me as I speak to you right now.Patricia was silent, dumbfounded and sad as she was watching Jenny talking to her. After Jenny finished talking to her, she broke into tears, started to cry and lean her head on Jenny’s shoulder. Jenny placed her hands on her head and her back, patting and rubbing her back and her head to comfort Patricia, her friend.Jenny: Men! Look at what a fellow woman like me is passing through because of a man, ehn? God will help us.
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