Living Farce Read Count : 51

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A


We all Share a single goal,

We are all hitmen,

We are given just one shot,

They tell you make it the cleanest,and the most accurate hit,

Sadly ,how many persons actually get to live up to this?

barely ten in a thousand would have the satisfaction of having lived.

Just like many other tests, this plain sheet is handed to us 

Each man filling in his plot 

And yet just as many other tests the majority surely will fail.

The hardest thing in life, is the reality of living it,

Looking from up there might have been much better,

When my heart knew not what pain felt,
Or how high pleasure  went, or what love truly meant,

When I was unconscious to  these realities ,

Sparred of so many thoughts,

What is my purpose ?
What way should I go?
What paths should i take?
What should I believe ?
What thoughts should I contain?
Why so many decisions ?
Why love ?  knowing it will definitely stray,

Live every moment of Ur life,

What irony, living on so many do's and don't ,

Why so many trials and tribulations?
Why this mind of our own?
Why given this ability to choose ?
When the best remains uncertain,
Like a play toy in the hands of fate ,
We are all players of amusement in its wheel
Why these tests? why these farce?

How I Envy those at sleep,

Who nestle in the cold warmth of eternal sleep,

Free from this cage ,free from these worries,

Free from these pains,free from this entrapped  dimension  called life,


Just like anyone I want to make the most of mine,

After a moment of self reflection I ask myself these questions,

Why do we live?

Is the fulfilment and uncertainty of living really worth the risk, trials, and regret of having lived?

For at last it all will cease,

That, we know is certain.

Nellup Ason.


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