In Terror
Read Count : 41
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Hey! Europe, what are you doing?How much money are you planningTo send to keep us in terror...To maintain a fire that will burn every building,To maintain a flame that will killEvery human being.Why do you letOur brothers kill each otherUntil the last one?What is going on,Why does everyone agree with this war?When in every country there are peopleWho are dying of hungerAnd have nowhere to live...This is really a problem.I don't know what is happening,But I don't want to be a witnessAnd feel guilty of this macabre,Which we know when it started,But we don't know if it will ever endWith this endless time...The demon is burning cities and citizens,And our presidents agree with it,Sending us to hell...A life without peace and love.