Saint Catherine's Wheel Read Count : 111

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Horror
Michael, you are accused of emotionally, mentally, and financially abusing your wife. The charge of mental cruelty, of emotional cruelty has been brought against you . You are also accused of financially of abusing and financially exploiting your disabled former spouse You have been tried by a jury of your peers. That jury has found enough evidence to convict you. It is my duty to pass sentence . You are hereby sentenced to a minimum of 5,475 revolutions of Saint Catherine’s wheel

You will be taken immediately from this place to be stripped of all clothing and other protections . You are to be bound tightly to the spikes of Saint Catherine’s wheel . As the wheel spins the executioner , his assistant. Or your former wife will beat your lashed body with sticks, clubs , or other devices forcing your body tighter against the spikes. My compassion goes with you . May God have Mercy on you. Two tears were seen slowly trickling down the cheeks of the condemned. It was not within the court’s jurisdiction to decide remorse. Remorse and repentance would be determined by a higher court on a much different Judgment Day.

Once the condemned was securely lashed to the wheel the sentence began leaving little time for anyone to determine whether the condemned was truly remorseful ? Was he truly repentant , had he come to the self awareness Diminution is the only intelligent choice. Again , matters of the mind, the heart , and soul of the man were best decided by a higher court and the Biblical Judgment Day.

The first punishment to be inflicted was the arms and legs of the accused were broken in several places . This was accomplished when the executioner or others slammed a heavy wagon wheel down on the stretched extremities of the condemned. The purpose here was to torture and punish the condemned . With the announcement of sentence and the acknowledgement his bones were to be broken the Condemned began to scream. He cried out the words of repentance . Still , who knows the heart of a condemned man. The court stopped short of pronouncing the sentence of death.

This left the matter of punishment and torture open to the discretion of the executioner, his assistant, or the wronged wife and Mistress. Before the executioner began to administer the court ordered punishment , the wife , the former wife , was granted thirty minutes with the condemned . For thirty minutes he lay in agony stretched across the spikes of Catherine’s wheel as his former wife , and mistress proceeded to whip his nipples with the leather string of her stock whip. With each lash the condemned cried and pleaded for compassion. There was no mercy or compassion left in her heart. Then she used the heavy fiberglass rod of the whip to chastise his breast , the muscles in his chest . As her time with her former husband drew to an end she administered fifty stokes with the cane . Several times the cane sliced through his previously damaged flesh. She could not speak with certainty but, Martha was reasonably sure she had broken one , possibly two of her ex husband’s ribs. She wanted to show remorse but , sorrow was missing from her inner personality. Martha spent the final five minutes lashing her former husband’s bruised and battered flesh. Several hard lashes landed on his penis and his testicles. With each lash she whispered “ I loved you ; die slowly my pet jackass .

The decision was made to systematically break every joint in the condemned’s body. They began breaking his phalanges . One by one each joint in each toe was pounded with the wagon wheel until it snapped . Then the executioner moved on to the next toe. When all ten toes were sufficiently broken the executioner painfully pulled off each toenail. Then with the same pain intensity the metatarsals in the foot were crushed , then ground to a calcium powder. Then the executioner took extreme time and pleasure in breaking the cuboids and cuneiforms then with medical precision the navicular and the talius bones were broken. The executioner truly demonstrated his art and talent when he broke the calcareous or heel bones . Then to add insult to injury the area between each toe was scrubbed with a wire brush until it bled. and a mixture of alcohols were poured across the raw inflamed flesh.

When the toes were shattered into fragments and burning like wildfires the executioner and his assistants , including the wife , begun their task of shattering slicing through his Achilles tendons . The tendons connecting the toes to the arch in each foot was severed as the Achilles tendon had been.

the cuneiform , the navicular and the cuboids, or the arch of each foot felt the impact of the wagon wheel until the arch was reduced to powder. The purpose of the Judicial punishment was to break the condemned physically, as he had broken his former wife mentally and emotionally. The justice in the punishment would be the condemned would be as psychologically damaged as his former partner.

and then slowly and with as much pain as possible the ankles of the accused were broken , shattered into several dozen dime size pellets . As the bones broke the executioner severed the supporting tendons . The condemned would spend what remained of his physical life confined to a wheel chair or hospital bed. Through experience he would know the emotional pain that comes when someone is no longer mobile.

With the foot pulverized the executioners began breaking the bones of the condemned’s legs. His fibula was the first to be broken resulting in three compound fractures on each leg . Then the executioner broke the tibia and then the patella or knees . With the feet , the ankles, and lower legs permanently disabled it was time to finish the legs with the breaking of the femur.

Now to introduce the condemned to severe pain and immobility both hips were broken. In multiple shreds of useless bone. The coccyx and pelvic bones were mutilated . Continuing up the spinal column each vertebrae was crushed into powdered bone . When the punishment was complete unlike before the condemned was not released from his restraints . For several hours his nude broken body was left on public display as a warning to any man who would use , abuse, or exploit an elderly disabled spouse .

As the sun began to set in the Western Sky Martha received permission to remove the broken gelatinous form of her husband from Catherine’s wheel. This time she carried his lifeless limb body to the awaiting stretcher . Quickly, the paramedics whisk the condemned to the nearest trauma center . Martha held back her tears until she was beyond the prying public eyes . Then she fell to her knees in prayer . She pleaded with the highest of all judges to forgive her man, to cleanse him of all sin. She whispered her prayer for his pardon.

Then she pulled herself together . She rose from her knees and went back into the unforgiving eye of her community and the judicial system. When he recovered Michael would face additional punishment for additional transgressions


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