Five Husbands Five Wives And Counting Read Count : 107

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Fantasy
Five Husbands , Five wives , and Counting

When I met Lynette , I certainly didn't have any notion that her family was much different from most. Yes, I know that sounds like a stale joke, but it is true. What did I know about these things? I'm a Lebanese immigrant, for Gods sake! I definitely didn't think that by dating this seemingly old-fashioned girl from a strict family, that I would be on the verge of deviating from what was socially acceptable into a lifestyle that was so taboo that it was banned in every state of the Union and rarely spoken of beyond the pages of adult pornography or adult fantasy magazines.

I had heard about the large family Lynette had, including her 11 sisters, but I just thought that she was Catholic or Irish or something. Religion hadn't come up much, especially since I hadn't seen the inside of a place of worship in a dozen years or more . I was about as Religious as half of the self professed Jews, Christians, and Muslims the world over. it was a right of passage for young Lebanese men to observe the formalities of the Five Pillars of Islam and such. There was nothing more to it, unless you counted the mandatory circumcision, and I don't recall whether my parents had me circumcised as a Hebrew, a Muslim, or a Christian , since happened to me so young.

We were at ASU , which was a very nice campus indeed, but certainly diverse enough that I had met some Mormons. They were official LDS, however. They seemed very well-bred and sociable, but rather uninteresting to my point of view. Hell, they don't even use caffeine, which for a Lebanese is absurd! Chai is a major part of my culture, after all. I had heard once or twice about the Fundamentalists, but not very often. I certainly didn't expect to run across any in my lifetime, as I thought that they all lived on the Utah-AZ border. Honestly, I thought they were all confined to secluded compounds or criminal reservations somewhere .

Mind you, Lynette and I got a bit freaky now and then, but she had always refused to actually have sex with me so far. This was a bit exasperating, but I was promised sex if my meeting with her parents went well, so I accepted the situation with good grace. The promise had been made some weeks before, which indicated that she was obviously quite serious about me for some time now.

On the plus side in my view, it suggested that she cared a great deal for me and evidently wanted me in a sexual way. On the minus part, however, she obviously held out for a long-term commitment. Then again, the indulgent attitude that she showed me in general and her enthusiasm to suck my cock were major compensations for me. I still found it strange that she didn't think of fellatio and cunnilingus as sex, but the Clinton excuse “ I did not have sex with ….“ was apparently popular with young college Christian adults in America these days. I didn't agree, but I wasn't about to challenge an interpretation that was to my own benefit. Call me imperfect, but I am a flesh-and-blood straight guy with hormones.

So, there I was, en route to a small Arizona homestead with a large family on it. It was the farthest thing from the hustle of downtown Phoenix (or downtown Istanbul, for that matter). Lynette and I shared the RV that her parents loaned her for the purpose of the trip (I still don't know she convinced them to go along with this). On the way, she offered me yet another gift to thank me: anal sex. She spread her ass-cheeks that night after a proper cleansing (I was a bit stunned that she had brought an enema for this journey, but didn't complain about it for health reasons) and surprised me by sliding her already lubed asshole onto my hard dick. I had been expecting the usual favors, a hearty blowjob and a sweet taste of her delicious sex, so I was already hard enough for her.

"Take me, Take your favorite girl! " Lynette squeezed, which stunned me a bit.

I was a bit unsure of what she meant by "favorite girl". Had she found out about my rendezvous with other girls on campus? Was she okay with them because she knew that it was hard for a man to do without pussy for weeks at a time? Why would she be liberal in some ways (anal, oral, and evident lack of jealousy), but conservative in others (no profanity, no PIV sex until we were more dedicated to each other and the relationship., and until we had both made the resolve to get married and most certainly not until I ha met her parents)? She dressed quite humbly and behaved like a lady in public, but borrowed an RV with me for the visit to her parents and went commando while doing so! She even wore lingerie that night.

If the fact that my college girlfriend eagerly rode my cock with her ass and had multiple orgasms while doing it , but refused to say words like "fuck me" while she did so bothered me, I tried to overlook such things. She was a lot wilder in some ways than many women who happily cussed like sailors. Lynette claimed to be a virgin, but she apparently didn't include anal sex in that definition of "purity". For a man who was used to having easier access to vaginal sex than anal, it was a heady experience indeed.

At least she didn't play games like many women. She told me upfront that she planned to save her vaginal cherry for the man who loved her deeply. To her, it was apparently the issue of the virginity and its unique status that made it different from engaging in "sodomy". The latter was less respectable, so it wasn't anything romantic or spiritual to be reserved for love in her mindset. I had gone to her dorm in the full expectation that night of having to cool my jets or look elsewhere. Instead, I had been literally blown by Julia.

It is true that I might seem like scum to some folks, but by now, I was falling rather rapidly for Lynette . She could tell, and evidently let my feelings with other girls slide. Her long, curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes didn't hurt her, nor did her lustrous legs and appealing ass. However, her passion for me was the main thing. Her overall perspective, aside from her firm refusal to put out vaginally, was one of a passionate and dominant lover. To fail to respond to such displays of love would be something unimaginable to me. The hidden romantic in my personality emerged more often with Lynette than with most women. The contemptuous side of me still dominated in many ways, but it had a tougher fight at this point than ever. I also had the strong desire to protect and provide for her, which I am sure that she noticed as well.

The warm greeting that I got from her family was not as enjoyable as the reception that I had the night before, but at least they were accepting of me. No one seemed resolved to "convert" me, at least not yet. If they assumed that I was an Arab instead of a Lebanese(a confusion that frankly irritated me, as I could imagine that it irritated most Arabs, too), they didn't make the mistake of saying so. The people who lived there were quite large in numbers, but that Lynette had warned me about already.

What particularly shocked me was the heavy male majority on the homestead. There was by far a larger ratio of men to women , which made me wonder why, of course. I had heard about polyandry , of course, as it was still practiced illegally by many Kurds in my native country. That didn't mean, however, that I was familiar with it in my daily life. I was a modern, secular Lebanese from Istanbul, not a devout Muslim living in the countryside.

To say that I felt a bit intimidated understated the issue just to a small degree. Even so, the men were at least as friendly as the Mother , if not more. Lynette’s father referred to them as his "brothers ", so I just assumed that they had taken in a lot of in-laws. I got a few strange looks when I addressed a couple of them as Uncle Paul and Uncle Sam, . I meant it with respect, of course, so they forgave the oversight on my part. I was also puzzled by the fact that none of the Men seemed to have wives or children of their own. At least, that was my impression. Things didn't add up well. As I didn't picture these men being gay , something seemed abnormal about the circumstances.

Lynette’s father, Virgil , made a point of treating me like an equal, at least in most ways. He was a bit protective of his daughter, of course, but he didn't totally act the part in the usual way (then again, I hadn't actually met too many fathers of the women that I dated in the past). Maybe it was demanding and exhausting to try to keep track of so many girls, but there was a bit more to it in my estimation. My studies of Criminal Justice had given me more than enough clues that aspects of this mans life were not quite normal. He didn't seem worried about the idea that I had probably been intimate with his daughter, but perhaps he thought along the same lines that she did about sex.

"Now, where are you from, again?" he finally confronted the question that was obvious in his face. I was used to this one, so I naturally handled it like the expert that I was by now.

"Istanbul, Turkey. I'm here on a student visa, but I hope to stay. I'm actually studying Criminal Justice with an eye toward a career in law enforcement of some sort. Don't worry, I'm not just out for a green card or any such thing. I promise you that much. I'd swear it on my faith, but I am not as pious a Muslim as I could be, "I explained breathlessly.

"So, would you perhaps consider visiting some of our services? We are Christians, but not in the usual sense. There are a few things about my church that are kept secret for a good reason. They're not wrong, but the world doesn't understand us, as they didn't understand the Lord and His Prophets. We live according to some principles that are not popular in this world, my friend. Who knows, but you might receive a revelation of your own. It's been known to happen. My grandfather came here from England and discovered the Principle that separates us most from those outside our church, "Virgil inquired more specifically.

"Is that why Lynette wanted me to meet you so much? It wasn't just to see if you would judge me, but vice versa as well? " I pondered after I heard his speech. The light bulbs had started to go off in my head, particularly in regard to her hesitation in terms of losing her final cherry. She didn't want to lose it to a close-minded bigot.

"Judge not, lest ye be judged, my son. I don't approve of everything that goes on in the Gentile world, but I try to be understanding of human differences. After all, I believe in the Golden Rule. If I want someone else to accept and understand me, I need to do the same for him or her. I am not an idiot. I know that Lynette has gotten a bit free in a sexual sense, but I respect and appreciate that she has chosen to keep her womanhood itself pure for the man that she loves.

"If a man can see past both the conservative clothes and the sexual favors that she does provide for him, without losing interest because of either, then he is a wise man and deserves such a treasure as my daughter if any man does. She's not a hypocrite, son. She just has enough common sense to know that just because she is being chaste in the biblical sense doesn't mean that she has to deny herself everything of a carnal nature. Or deny the young men that she likes, for that matter. Lynette is would be a great wife for a young man, I am sure, "Virgil encouraged me.

"I believe so, sir, or I wouldn't have agreed to meet you. I am a bit curious as to what exactly is going on here, but I will keep an open mind, "I stammered, a bit thrown by his remarks. What exactly was he and the rest of Julia's family planning, anyway?

"Well, I am very happy that you are interested in joining our family, as is Lynette’s mother. Though not as pleased as Lynette is, of course. She keeps bragging on you, after all. I wanted to see what all of the fuss was about, Michal Oh, and call me Slim Yours in Arizona now. We are a little less formal about these things, us cowboys and cowgirls, that is. Tell me, are you familiar with the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon? " Al replied quite cryptically.

"Yes, I've met some LDS folks. To be honest, none of them have been as relaxed and welcoming as you guys, however. Are you Mormons, too? " I queried, a bit puzzled since they didn't behave like any other Mormons I had met, and I didn't recall Lynette acting like a typical Mormon that I had seen, either.

"Yes, we are true Saints. We follow the real teachings of the authentic Apostles and Prophets. We don't kowtow to the mainstream dogmas of the Utah Temple. Does that clarify things a bit? " Virgil explained, only making things even more confusing for me.

"So, your a splinter sect of the Mormon Church? Well, I don't know much about LDS theology, but you seem nice enough. Do you also follow Brigham Young and consider him a true Prophet? " I wondered, since I had read a few things about there being some question as to Young's rightful leadership.

"Yes, that we do. Young was second only to Smith himself in speaking the Truth, Michal That’s not our issue with the official body. It started much later than Young's time. In fact, we regard the Church as it presently exists as being apostate for rejecting the Principle laid out by both Smith and Young.

"Before I continue, let me ask you something. Are you fully prepared to commit yourself to joining this family and helping to protect it against those who would seek to harm it, Michal You said that you were planning to be a cop. Are you capable of standing with us against those who would oppress our religious liberty? "he looked especially serious, but still ultimately friendly and frank by now.

"Sure, though I don't know most of you very well yet. I love Lynette and want to protect her and provide for her. She knows this and should know by now that I am willing to marry her, "I answered, although distinctly perplexed. This mans talk sounded a bit paranoid, to be honest. Why would nice people like Virgil and Mary Anne have enemies?

"Well, if your going to marry into a family, I suppose that you deserve to know that our way of life isn't exactly legal or condoned by most of society. You also deserve to know that Lynette has every intention of living the Principle herself, with you as her husband. It is her moral duty to try to ensure the immortal soul of the man that she loves, you see. It is also her moral obligation, which she happily embraces, to bring many spirit-children into the world of flesh, for this is the purpose of the Principle. Conversion may take some time, but she firmly believes that Scripture which teaches that the unbelieving husband is consecrated by his wife and the wife by the husband, as do I.

"I hope that you will at least consider joining our church. In the meantime, of course, I will continue to respect your beliefs, except that I am not sure that you have any. Which is why I am more open to you, in fact. I have been aware for some time that you were not especially devout in your faith. I knew that you were nominally spiritual . I just didn't know the nationality for certain. In any case, the very act of living the Principle is an act of faith and will bring you closer to God. The Lord ordained the Principle ever since our father Adam brought Eve into the Garden with him, "Al continued, not sure if I quite got the hint.

To illustrate his point further, he called for Mary Anne and the rest of her "sisters" to meet with me later that afternoon, right before supper. He also brought out both a KJV and a Book of Mormon. He then produced another book, which he informed me was the Doctrines and Covenants, "prior to the 1890 apostasy," in his words.

"I now wish to present our future son-in-law with his brothers -to-be," Al formally announced, which startled me, especially when I noted the plural noun, "brothers " instead of the more obvious singular.

Lynette has four husbands, and four older sisters when you wed you must consent to be her fifth and you must wed her older sisters as well . You must accept the Principle in practice, if not yet in faith. I like you and respect you, but we need to know that you have a vested interest in protecting and supporting all of the way. If you are at risk, too, then you will not seek to harm us, even if Satan should do something to drive a wedge between us.

"So, Michal , will you step out and take a chance, a leap of faith, and do as we ask? It is our sole condition, and then you will be totally welcome in our family. Can you do this, for the love of Lynette , the woman that you admitted to me that you love so much? Can you agree to take her sisters as your wives and her husbands as your brothers as you take her for your wife ? For, you see, she does want to marry you, but only if you will embrace a union with the others as well.

"To help you decide, perhaps you should hear what Lynette wants to tell you," Virgil declared, clearly earnest about what was no longer in doubt. It all became evident now. Lynette’s family was Fundamentalist Mormon. With a twist. They were polygamists. The "apostasy of 1890" was the Woodruff Declaration that suspended the institution of plural marriage in the LDS church.

Michal to be honest, I wish that I could have told you sooner, but I had to be sure that you knew and loved me. I wanted to know that you did not see me as merely part of an unpopular religious sect. I don't want you to think that I am trying to force you into this. You can walk away, and I'll still love you. But I will have to put that love aside and find a man that God sends to me, since it will be clear that you would not have been that man. No one will hate or blame you for turning this down. But this is the only way that I can marry you in good conscience, and I truly believe that you want to me as much as I want to marry you.

"If you reject this, please don't do so out of some politically correct principle of equality of the sexes or marital fidelity. Submission doesn't equate with inferiority, nor domination with superiority. Nor do I believe for a second that you have been exclusive with me or would be. I haven't let it bother me, since I consider it a test of my ability to temper jealousy, instead of letting it rule. I would be sharing you if we marry, one way or the other. There was no sense in raising an issue of it.

"But don't insult my intelligence by pretending to be monogamous. Your smart, but your not slick enough to hide all of the clues that you are a tomcat, Michal You told your lies, and I told mine, but let's stop them now. Please, don't claim to be committed to only me when you never planned to be. It's not an issue for me, anyway. Just be honest about it. The main differences between the Principle and the lifestyle that you intended to practice while being married to me are that the Principle involves complete intimacy and honesty with ones mate, as well as that the Principle is a religious institution.

"The only reason not to accept this is that it is illegal. You would be breaking the law and risking possible prosecution. I won't lie to you about that. In your case, it would mean possible deportation, but be assured that I would never abandon you if you lost your green card for that. I would follow you wherever you went, as would my sisters and hopefully your brother husbands . That is part of any true marriage, plural or otherwise. If I take vows to you, I will not forsake you because you were persecuted for doing what I asked of you in the first place. Nor would your brother husbands, or my sister wives. I am sure. It might also cost you a career in law enforcement, since you would technically be a criminal. On the plus side, there are other professions available to one with such training and education.

"I want to be sure that your accepting or rejecting this for the right reasons, not the wrong reasons. So, Michal what do you say? I'm not asking you to convert. That’s a matter of religious belief. I am asking you to share a life with me, and if it happens to be on terms that I ask for, I apologize for the dominance ; it is necessary . let me assure you that I will be obedient in most things to you. Furthermore, it is not as if you have any principled or sensible objection to it, beyond a law passed to appease the Federal Government way back when this state was still a territory. If it matters more to me than to you the number of wives that you have, why not grant my request? Well, Michal ? " Lynette appeal to me, half-pleading and half-reasoning, a combination that was more than a match for any feeble objection or resistance that I could create to slow down the decision-making process.

Stalling was futile. I had to choose what I would do with this woman who had all but proposed to me on behalf of herself and four other women Well, when the moment of truth came, it wasn't much of a catch-22. How could I refuse a girl who wanted to share me with her sisters and ask that I share her with four other men . ? What kind of fool would turn that down? From any possible angle, it made no sense to decline her proposal.

"Alright, Lynette I will marry you... and Shannon, , as well as Angela, and Sandra . I never expected to have 4 wives, but what can I say? It's not something forbidden to my own religion, after all. Talk about getting along with ones in-laws, I must say! Anyway, I will do it. But you deserve at least a proposal of your own, as do your sisters.

"Lynette , will you marry me?" I replied, trying to do this with some sign that while I was more partial to Lynette due to familiarity, I wouldn't ignore or neglect her sisters.

"Yes, Michal , I will marry you," she had a smile on her now tear face.

"Shannon , will you marry me?"

"Yes, I will marry you!"

"Angela will you marry me?"

"Yes, Michal I will marry you."

"What about you, Sandra? Will you marry me? "

"Yes, I will."

"Alright, then. I have proposed and the four of you have accepted. I think that makes each of you my fiancée. That will take some explaining to those with I can explain. However, it will certainly be a life worth living, from what I can see here, "I stated as I regained my nerves.

It was quite a jolting experience to be engaged to four women when I only expected to propose to one, and that after the visit (I had a ring in mind, but I hadn't yet received the bonus check that I planned to spend on it). Just when I thought that I was prepared for everything, however, there was one more shock.

"Um, honey, there is something else," Lynette informed me, a bit awkwardly herself.

"Yes, babe?"

There’s one more wife that you need to take. I am the 5th daughter. You’ll be starting out with 5 wives. And there’s a strong chance that the 7 younger ones might consider you a fine prospect for a husband, once they see how happy we are with you. Mind you, they're still too young, but that won't always be the case. Girls have a way of growing up, you know.

"Surely you noticed that there are only 11 girls here. My oldest sister is a divorcee and not here yet. She tried to practice monogamy, only to be very unhappy with it. Now she wants to live the Principle, too, and she has already agreed to marry whomever weds the 4 of us. So, what do you say? Elizabeth is a really great girl, Michal . She will make you happy as much as the rest of us. You’ll fall in love with her, too. Trust me again, please? " Lynette Please once more, as she sold me on the virtues of her elder sister.

"Okay, I'll agree to that, provided that she accepts my proposal in the same way. I am quite happy with the idea of having more than one wife, as long as none of you feel lost in a crowd. I want each of you to feel loved and special, not just another disposable spouse. Does that make sense to you? " I stipulated, quite proud of my firm stand.

Then my father in law made a stipulation taking a firm stand . According to the traditional standard set forth in the Old Testament, You must labor seven years for the hand of each of my five daughters . For thirty-five years you are indebted to this family, the community, and our way of life .

"Honey, why do you think that I love you so much? Any guy can date a girl, but a man who can fool around with other women and still treat his girlfriend like you have treated me is clearly a man capable of more love than some of his peers. You have the tolerance and oomph required for this life, as long as you don't doubt yourself. Don't worry about the crowd, either. It's normal for me. I'd be out of place in a smaller, nuclear family. This is all that I know or want to know of being in a family. I like them large and noisy, "Lynette laughed lovingly, kissing me in the sight of her entire family.

That didn't jolt me half as much as the kisses that followed from Shannon, Angela , and Sandy . Each of them, if not quite as ardent as their sister, made sure to punctuate the first sparks of their affection for me with a taste of their soft, wet tongues. I wasn't about to fight them off, of course. True, it wasn't love yet, but I could definitely get used to that kind of treatment. What followed at and after dinner was yet another story, not that I minded that, either.

To be truthful, I was much more comfortable once I knew the secret of the family mystery and had committed myself to essentially join their community. Oh, I wasn't a Mormon of any stripe, but I had become a polygamist, so we had common cause now. Conversion was yet another issue, but it now seemed an immaterial thing. They promised to respect my convictions, after all, and apparently their God cared as much or more about procreation as about ones actual beliefs. As long as I was married to "true believers" and lived the Principle, they considered me almost a Fundamentalist and certainly a member of the family now.

I had one question for my wife Lynette , Why had the other husbands not married her four sisters ? The answer was simple. “ Michal , you are my legal husband . There will be a license legally binding me and you to each other . Rick, Paul, James, and Bob are spiritual husbands . As my sisters , Shannon, Angela, Sandy, and Elizabeth are your spiritual wives.

Adjusting to life without chai would be tough, but there was always those times when I dined out by myself. One day, naturally, I would have to introduce my in-laws to their in-laws. That would certainly be interesting, given that my family is a Lenanesefamily that behaves in a very modern way. It is a mirror image of this other family in some ways. My father drinks, smokes, and routinely engages in homosexual affairs that my mother pretends not to know about at all. Then again, I don't think that they are even having sex since all of their children are grown or mostly grown.

Well, that would be a concern for another time. It would be interesting to see what my liberal parents and family think of my somewhat conservative wives and in-laws. After all, Virgil doesn't use coffee, tea, liquor, tobacco, or any kind of illegal drugs. Hell, he doesn't even like to take aspirin if he could avoid it.

As I admired my blonde, redheaded, and brunette brides-to-be, I washed down the excellent steak with lemonade of all things. It was strange, but not even the caffeine withdrawal could distract me for long from the artistic appeal of my future wives and thoughts of their sister. This wasn't so long ago, as you can see, but the memory of what happened shortly afterward was one for the record books indeed. I was yet to be finished with my surprises, and this one didn't even bother to notify the rest of them in advance, let alone yours truly. All five wives conceived on or near the same date .


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