Bajabaja The Magical Wand
Read Count : 118
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Comedy
Bajabaja thought that old lady shown him a stick to ride off the dogs He went out gathering all his courage. He opened the door and slowly went out with out making any noise, started walking all the dogs attacked him all of a sudden. He ran and climbed on to the hut. He fell down all dogs came near to him Barking at him. He used stick of the old women to get ride of dogs. Suddenly all dogs attacked at him he rotated the stick . Some power came from the stick and all the dogs were thrown far away. Bajabaja took doctor to home but his granny died. Bajabaja started crying a lot for his granny. As he can't meet her again. After few days went in to village all were talking about witch who leaves at outskirtsof the village died on the day bajabaja's grandmother died. Then bajabaja realised the stick he has with him is a magical wand. He went to home took stick and thought, He will make cats supreme power than dogs and all the vilagers his slaves. Kill all the children and convert all nights in to day.