THE CURSE Read Count : 80

Category : Scripts

Sub Category : Plays

Dave was in the sitting room wearing his shoes as he was talking to his wife who was sitting next to him

Dave: Babe, I am leaving for the interview this morning and I dropped some money on the table so manage it to prepare something for us to eat till I come back.

Mariam: Honey, please! Please!! Please!!! What is the meaning of this? I told you that things are expensive in the market right now and you are dropping this money to buy what and what in the market?

Dave: Babe, that is why I am asking you to manage because the only money I have on me now is my transportation to and fro, if I give it to you now, how do I get to the interview on time and also get back home early?

And again, I am also expecting some money somewhere so just manage.

Mariam: See, my husband if you don’t give me this money, you are not leaving this house this morning. I will make sure I lock the door and hide the key from you. Let me see how you will leave this house for that stupid interview you want to attend.

Dave: you dare not do such a thing

Mariam: try me now and see whether I will not do it. You hopeless fool, good for nothing husband. Don’t make get angry here ooo.

Dave: ( asked the wife annoyingly) Did I just hear you insult me?

Mariam: Yes now! You think I am afraid of you? See if you don’t complete this money for feeding this morning, it will not be well with you, God will punish you.

Dave got so angry that he raised his hands to beat his wife but he couldn’t so he left her presence angrily 

Mariam: oh! You even raised your hand to hit me, come and hit me now stupid man. That’s where the world will see your power. Look at you, Mike Tyson, John cena, beating up women is what you are known for. Just to provide for the family is a great challenge for you.

When men are talking you will come out and call yourself a man. You are just deceiving yourself.

Mariam was still talking when her friend who came to visit her, walked into her sitting room and hear talking aloud

Mariam: I will be here waiting for you in this house, thunder fire you there, Motor jam you for road there. Stupid man!

Deborah: please my friend, who are you talking to? I came in here and you did not notice my presence and I hear you raining curses on someone. If I may ask you, are you quarreling with your neighbors in the compound?

Mariam: is it not better if I quarrel with my neighbors than for my husband to kill me in this house before my time.

Deborah: If I should get you right my friend, you are quarreling with your husband, not your neighbor.

Mariam: Yes now, he thinks he has mouth and he can insult me so I gave it to him back to back. Me that can curse for Africa.

Deborah: Arrh! You were exchanging words with your husband?

Mariam: yes now

Deborah: so all those curses I heard you pronounce was on the head of your husband?

Mariam: yes now, what is there? Is it not just a curse?

Deborah: Mariam, you know you are my good friend and we have known each other for long before you married your husband, to show you how close we have been together.

Mariam: Yes I know.

Deborah: if I don’t tell you the truth then I am a bad person to you and I don’t mean well for your marriage.

Mariam: Hope there is no problem? My husband and I had some argument and we exchanged words, what is wrong there?

Deborah: Mariam, I am your friend and I will not deceive you. Yes, you and your husband had an argument and I know that there is no perfect marriage anywhere but the way or manner you talked to your husband when you are upset/angry matters. I heard you raining curses on someone and it drew my attention, not knowing that you were cursing your husband.

Mariam: ehen? Why won’t I curse my husband, when he offended me nko?

Deborah: Yes I know your husband offended you but it is not good to curse your husband. There are better ways to resolve issues but not to the extent of cursing your husband. If anything bad should happen to him now, it could be as a result of the curse you rain on him.

Mariam(reacted angrily): I don’t care if anything bad happens.

Deborah: I am sure you don’t want to be a widow at your age

Mariam( changed her mood): Yes, I don’t want to lose my husband, I don’t want him to die now, I love him so much and our kids are still young.

Deborah: that is why you should be mindful what you say to your husband each time you are angry, even your children, stop raining curses on them for it is not good at all. The Bible says, There is power in the tongue, death and life lie in the tongue. The Bible say that you shall decree a thing and it will come to pass. I heard when you say and I quote you, “motor will jam you”. What if the vehicle he board, had an accident or something terrible happened to him right now, how will you feel?

Mariam began to feel sorry and uncomfortable. She began to get worried about her husband.

Mariam: please can I call my husband and find out if he is ok? I don’t want anything terrible to happen to my husband.

Deborah: Just relax for God almighty is in control. Nothing will happen to your husband for his journey his covered with the blood of Jesus Christ. But please stop cursing your husband and your children for it is not good as a Christian to curse your husband.

Mariam: Ok my friend I repent today. I will never curse my husband no matter what.

Deborah(held Mariam’s hand and smiled at her): That’s my friend speaking and I like what I am hearing. Thank you for listening to me,ai? Anyway, I beg to leave now, I want to get something for my son tomorrow is his birthday

Mariah: Oh! Good to hear

Deborah: let go do the shopping together, I won’t take much of your time

Mariam: ok, let me get my purse.

The both of them left the house for shopping as Mariam carried her purse.

The end


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