3/24/25 Your Amazing Facts
Read Count : 12
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : spirituality
Genesis 2:1 - Exodus 20:8 Genesis 2:2 - Isaiah 8:16 Genesis 2:3 - Isaiah 56:6 Exodus 20:11 - Isaiah 56:7 Leviticus 23:1 - Isaiah 66:22 Leviticus 23:2 - Isaiah 66:23 Leviticus 23:3 - Matthew 11:28 Leviticus 23:4 - Mark 2:27 Leviticus 23:5 - Luke 23:56 Matthew 24:20 - Revelation 7:2 Luke 4:16 - Revelation 7:3 Luke 23:54 - Revelation 12:14 Acts 17:2 - Revelation 12:17 Acts 18:4 - Revelation 14:7 Ephesians 4:30 - Revelation 14:12 Revelation 13:1 - 22:14 You have a memorial to be remembered in Your Word, Godhead and Trinity. This memorial exists in Your Fourth Commandment, Holy of holies and Rock of Salvation. Thank You, Jehovah Mekadesh and Tsidkenu, for Your gracious message about the Sabbath. You created the Sabbath for all of us so that we can spend quality time with You, Grace and Truth Personified. You have promised joy to those who obey You, Author and Prince of Peace. On the Seventh Day, You: A. Rested; B. Blessed it; C. And You made it holy; The Devil is very clever yet we really want to do what is right in order to honor You and help others, Root of Jesse. You have made an appointment with us on the Seventh Day and we want to spend time with You, King of Heaven. Amen, thanks.
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