Weird Dreams
Read Count : 141
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
I had some pretty weird dreams last night…. Here they are, in reverse order. I was a guy, but not me. I lost most of my memories. I was in a world where magic was real but almost done exclusively by woman. I was with a girl around my age and an older guy. I was from this world, and was pretty good at strategic thinking but was amazed at the thought of magic and asked to learn it from the girl, who brushed it off as I am an idiot. I showed her that I did in fact have potential though and she decided to teach me. They were fighting a civil war for freedom of some kind (dream memories fade fast.) And after I became a decent magic user, she got kidnapped by the other side and locked in a house where a magic user was trying to get something from her memories. It turns out that she was a part of the group who we were fighting and when I tried to save her, the only reason we Escape is because the other person tried to go into my memory and something in there fried her brain or something. I was in the mall with a friend (I don't have friends as I am a hermit) and the cash lady had a thing with them… not much on this one. I had to use the bathroom and for a second thought about if I had to go to the bathroom in real life until I thought "wait, real life? This is real." And went back to my dream. I did not actually needed to go to the bathroom, so I was safe. There was a third dream but dream memories fade fast and I can no longer remember. And that concludes my dreamscapes. I don't often remember my dreams, but when I do, they better damn well be interesting.