The Journey To Freedom Read Count : 24

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Reference
We are all on the journey to freedom. However, our Lord and Savior has been graciously leading us. After all, there is no freedom without him and sin is actually a form of bondage......
                    True Freedom 
       True freedom lies in Him,
        True freedom lies in our Lord,
        Savior and Creator,

           True freedom lies in our Master,
           Three freedom lies in our King,
            Advocate and Maker,
                    True freedom lies in Him,
                      True freedom lies in our 
                       Defender, Deliverer, and 
                         Wonderful Counselor....

                          True freedom lies in Him,
                           True freedom lies in our
                             Everlasting Father......

                            Reserved, Not Restricted 
                    We are reserved, not restricted;
                   This is true for all sojourners on
                           The voyage to freedom,

                   We are reserved, not restricted 
                   And this is true of all of us on
                   The journey to autonomy,

                 We are reserved, not restricted;
                 This is true for everyone on 
                  The trip to independence,

                  We are reserved, not restricted;
       This is true for all travelers on the road
                         To liberty,

            We are reserved, not restricted.....

                 The possibilities are endless,     
     The possibilities are as endless as His
                                 love for you,

             The possibilities are countless,
            The possibilities are countless,
        The possibilities are as countless 
               As the stars in the Universe,

            The possibilities are numerous,
       The possibilities are more numerous 
          Than the planets in the Milky Way,

                The possibilities are a legion
               And He has a legion of angels
            Helping us each and every day,

         The possibilities are endless and 
                 So is His love for all of us.....

                     In Matthew 19:19a, Jesus Christ tells us to honor our mother and father. He has first iterated this via His Prophet Moses in Exodus 20:12. He has also reminded us of this commandment in Ephesians 6:2 [].

Although we are adults, we still need to follow their rules since we are living in their house. Even when He entrusts us with our own dwellings, we will still lend them a hand and make provisions just like Christ Jesus did for His mother before He gave His life for humanity on the whole.
                       We Are His
                We are His family,
              We are His Body,
             We are His Church,
                      We are His....

                     We are His, 
              We belong to Him,
                  We are His sheep
          And He is our Shepherd,

                       We are His!

       It's good to know who we are in Christ, who has secured our identities for His sake......
               We are His offspring and He has adopted us into His own family.........  

                 He is always with us; He is working in us and through us. He is also fighting for us........

               He is leading and guiding us on the journey to freedom. A life without Him is not freedom at all, but bondage......

                        To Be Continued.....





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