The Addiction To Isolation Read Count : 100

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I had been warned,
I had read about the signs,
I felt the symptoms,
But turned a blind eye.
Perhaps from the chaos
As my world collapsed,
Or the feeling of failing
As time elapsed.
I drifted away
From my closest friends,
And pondered the ways
It all could end.
I refused to partake
In a social drink,
Opting instead
To just sit and think.
I cut the ties
With the outside world,
My disdain and disgust
Grew and swirled.
All the drama, the hate,
And the noise,
Like children squabbling
Over ten cent toys.
In my solitude,
I found my addiction,
The place in my mind
Without restriction.
No eyes or ears
Awaiting to pass judgment;
To the world,
I became absent.
I grew addicted
To my own isolation,
The peace, the silence,
Indeed, the alienation.
But buried grief and old trauma
Do not hide.
They haunt the corridors
Of a troubled mind.
They manifest in
Memories and regrets,
Culminating in images
I cannot forget.
Though peace and silence
Is what I crave,
I fear this isolation
Will lead me to my grave.



  • Jul 13, 2024

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