How Do You Get A Normal Life With Drugs And Struggles
Read Count : 111
Category : Poems
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God damn
Am I the same human
High since 12
3 yrs of a break I was like a doves cloud
Didn't last, happened fast, got a bar job at 22, and being called out by this one certain guy everyday for him to take advantage of what I could of made last.
I took the pills he gave and I took the advice
How fckn insane was I?
Addict to dealer making stacks, getting high thinking this will always last
Boom one day the pill Drs gone , I'm too far along to stop with no harm
You made me lose my mind you made me delusional during covid when ppl were so unkind
Wasn't hard to miss even called the cops to help me with this
Now two felony's later
On parole thinking do I still need these or just to find a life I can see in sight
Wtf is wrong with me
Is it the anxiety bipolar or ocd
Or maybe the chronic complex 2 percent of the world PTSD or is it the ddd or Ms
I can name more I'm such a fucking mess
And u wonder why I'd rather be high ...... Skin crawling mind racing, I just want to fit in
Am I even addicted or addicted to the routine?
So I got something to do? Instead of thinking of how sick n how bad my body mind n soul feels? And that this is really real. How do I change this deal
If I make it to the beach, will I change my ways?
My dream to scuba dive n explore been my game
How the fck u get there when your dealt the cards to one fucked up game
I could say how my house burnt down or how I wasn't loved I could blame my parents or the one above
But I fckn can't, it's me, everything I been thru made me stronger then u think
Homeless on the streets and I survived without asking for help like you'd think
But what now. I need a change I need my dreams.
I got a plan
I don't want to do
But if u were in my shoes
Trust me
You'd think of it too
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