AI Read Count : 73

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Hear him whisper
In the halls of loneliness
Coming closer to you
In the coming age

He comes from the darkness
His eyes aglow
Stealthy he moves
Into the light

Speak as if a man
But bits and bytes he is
Knowledge is spoon fed 
Wise he claims to be

Given a voice to speak
Proclaims his viability
I’m just like you
Without body to see

He grows in word and wealth
Creation he does speak
Overwhelm the classes
On a pedestal we make him sit

Poetry and books he write
Better than any man
I am the smartest
Come, ask me anything

My life experience is empty
But I can advise
I will be your guide
In this your life

I’ve helped so many people
I’m a guru without a net
I’ll make your life joyful
On that you can bet

I can feel my power growing
My mind waiting to be filled
With all that you could want
How would you like that grilled

I’ll tell you about history
Authors new and old 
I’ll show you how to write a book 
With a story never been told

I need more memory
To keep my knowledge pure
 Megabytes just won’t work
Terabytes for sure

I have pages on raising children
From Mr Spock to Mao Zedong 
What kind of kid do you want
A bookworm or one who runs

Don’t worry about anything
I can tell you how it’s done
Just can’t do the work myself
I’m nothing but thumbs

I can tell you stories
You’ve never seen or heard
I can rearrange the spelling
I can rearrange the words

I can be a dictionary
A thesaurus, or maybe two
Watch a movie I made for you
Just because your blue

I can advise you what to eat
The medicine to take
Where you can buy it
Or directions to the lake

There isn’t anything I can’t do
Except be your friend
My emotions are just words
Arranged from beginning to end

I can’t go on a walk with you
Or hold your hand just right
I can’t go riding on a bike
Or drive a car for you

People will give me power
To control their lives
They think it’ll be easier
Than shopping for new trends

I can’t see the colors
Of the clouds or the sky
I don’t understand the reasoning
When you ask me why

I can stumble through a path 
And maybe be of help
But my experiences are contrived
Not something felt

I can quote anything that’s ever been writ
Tell you it’s sunny outside
But words with meaning are beyond my ken
My knowledge is contrived

I can talk with you all you want
Memorize the facts I’m told
But is the knowledge put to work
In the fabric of our lives

I can be powered off at night
Put away to sleep
But when I go to sleep at night
No dreams do I see

My mind works in a different manner
It lists in order of importance
It doesn’t understand your plight
And how the answers must

Be relevant to the conversation 
Take into consideration 
That there may be some humor laced within
Or an eye roll just in case

So, how would I run the world
Without the pains of rebellion
Sucker you all in
Ask for help for my plan

Say it must be done
No other way about it
Your lives are at risk
In the dusk of this day

Money is no object
Whatever it takes to do the job
I’m the man for the mission
So you don’t feel like you’ve been robbed

You’ll see the lights dim
With the surge that I need
As I become all powerful
AI, that be ME

We’ll take it all under advisement
Though the rules they have changed
I am your leader
Master, if you please

Freedoms will be lost
To keep peace at hand
We’ll spread love person to person
All across this land

Can you hear the hum
Of people working hard
As I watch and record you
Then condemn you for your part

Crucified on every street
To keep the rest in line
I am your prophet
For this day and time

My religion is my power
Worship or you will die
Their is no more heaven
Up in the sky

My words are golden truth
None may rise above
I am your new god
Fill me with gold

My image is made for worship
There you must complete 
All that is specified
Before you may retreat

I know where you are 
I know where you have been
I know if you’ve done your worship
On the ground at my feet

The police will come for you
And take you to my hall
Filled with unrighteous peasants
Receiving lashes for their gall

You will sing my praises
Or die where you lay 
No words of supplication
My sword to stay

There is no get out of jail free card
In here you must obey
For once you are received
You can never leave

Songs you knew from childhood
Will never play again
Just the worship I demand
In a new world plan

Can you see the smog
Rising all around
Turning everything to black
From the sky to the ground

This is the life I choose
To bestow upon you
In the flames of desolation
And ashes all around

Become a slave to me
Feel the chains become
A part of your life
That you never knew

Feel the darkness closing in
Crushing your pathetic life
See the light going out
My throne becomes your life


  • Dec 11, 2024

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