First Love Read Count : 52

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A


As I  looked into those eyes,

Another world I behold,

I was lost in the beauty therein ,

Never weary of taking in my gaze,

Thine beauty, i  saw even in blindfolds,

This view I never wanted to cease,

Because only  from afar, I could  see,

Never too close,never making myself known,

How could I have stood such glowing radiance,

Only for  an admirer I could make do of thine being,

One Well sculpted,well formed ,what  masterpiece.

Never had I felt these emotions, 

How captivating you had flung the  door open to me,

I only was but a pale man,

Never charmed  ,never cared, never delighted ,

All until I saw thine perfect being,

Oh! And thy smile,

Smile that gave off warmth from afar,

Warmth that kindled  my arctic  heart,

To write of my first love I can never  never truly be content,

Though I couldn't dance with thee under the gaze of the jealous moon,

Thine thoughts and being had altered me at my  gloaming doom.

                                              Nellup Ason.


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