The Little Mermaid Read Count : 56

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror

Ariel lived with her 5 older sisters, father,grandmother. Once each mer-sister turns 15, they are allowed to visit the surface to see the world above, each taking turns for a year. Once Ariel turns 15, she swims up to the surface to see a ship celebrating the prince's birthday. A storm hits and the ship crashes. Seeing the human prince about to drown she saves him, bringing him to shore. Morning break and she falls in love with the prince. Ariel dives back into the ocean and back to her home. She asks her grandma if humans can live forever.

 her grandmother says “well ariel unlike us mer-people, humans don't have a 300 year lifespan. When they die, they go to a place like heaven, and not turn into seafoam with no chance of a second chance." 

Ariel wanted to have a second chance in life with the prince so she went to her aunt Ursula . Ursula can give Ariel a potion that will make her a human for 3 days. She offers this in exchange for her voice because she has the most beautiful singing voice in the ocean. She is also told that every step she takes will be extremely painful and feel like she is walking on knives, as well as that when she is taking the potion it will feel like a huge dagger is being stabbed into her. She swims to the surface and consumes the potion, feeling the pain ursula described to her before. She passes out on the shore with a brand new pair of legs. She soon awakes and the prince finds her. They take her in and get her dressed and groomed. Ariel  braces the pain each step, and is seen to entertain the prince. During the three days, the prince tells her that he is expected to marry from an arranged marriage. Devastated, Ariel  thinks how now she’ll have to be a seafoam for the rest of her life. On the marriage ship at the break of dawn, she meets with her five sisters and They explain that she has to eat the prince and put some of his blood on her legs. she’ll be able to live as a mermaid with her again.  When night falls she cannot bring herself to kill the prince she used to be in love with. She accepts her fate and dives into the ocean to become a mermaid again forever. A few years later Ariel found the love of her life and had a beautiful baby girl, Ariel named her melody.

             15 years later

Melody is now 15 years old and ready for her turn to go up and see the humans. Ariel tells her what not to do when she is up there, melody nods and heads her way up. She sits on a rock and looks at all the people and ships, she watches as people dance and walk along the ship. She stayed there until it turned night, then she swam home. She asked her mother if she could ever be human,  But Ariel said no as she doesnt want Melody to do something she will regret. Melody got mad and swam away, Ursula was watching melody from her crystal ball. 

“Yes my dear I will make your wish come true… haha.” Ursula said.

Melody swam by the dark side of the sea to see Ursula, she went into the cave and yelled URSULA  But she got no answer,  A couple minutes later an eel brought her far into the cave where Ursula was. 

“Hello  my dear melody, what are you here for today?” ursula says with a smirk.

Melody told her that she wanted to be a human, and Ursula had to think about it for a little while before agreeing. She gave her the potion and told her that she needs to go to the surface and take the potion, she did as she was told and went and took the potion, she passed out then woke up hours later. She got up and struggled to stay still as she kept flopping back and forth, but she figured it out after a while. She took a walk around the beach and looked at the beautiful water, until she bumped into a tall man. 

“Sorry didn't see you there.” the man said with a smile

Melody fell in love right on the spot with the man, but then she started to think about what Ariel said… but Ariel isn't there so what could she do, Melody thought to herself. 

“Oh no it was my fault i should have been paying attention to where i was walking!” she said with a big smile. 

They made eye contact for a little while before he asked her to come with him for dinner, she agreed to do it.  Later that day she went to a nearby dress store to get an outfit. She tried on a couple of outfits and found one she really liked but she had no money so she stole it. She put it on when she got away from the store, after a little while she began to head to the stiftskulinarium as that is where they were gonna go have dinner. She sat down at one of the tables and waited for him to show up, he showed up 30 minutes late but she didn't care because at least he came. They laughed and talked for a little while, he paid the bill then they left. He asked if he could walk her home, she told him she didn't have a place to go home to. He sat in silence for a second as he didnt know what to say about that.


 Ariel and her father looked for melody everywhere, king triton sent his guards to find her but they couldn't find her.

“Father, you have to make me human, If she is up there she doesn't know what could go wrong!” Ariel said. He looked at Ariel then agreed, he gave her a very old potion and told her to go on land and take it which she did. She didn't feel the pain she felt when she was taking the potion that Ursula gave her. Once she turned human she got up and stumbled a little like she did when she first got legs but she loved the feeling of having them. She began to look for melody as she needed her to come home. She missed her only daughter….


Melody was having fun with the man she met, they went everywhere together. He took her home with him, and she met his father king eric. Eric was a very nice person. He was missing a leg which she wondered why but she didn't say anything because she didn't want to be rude.

“Hello young lady, it is nice to finally meet the lady my son never stops talking about!” the king said as he put out his hand for a hand shake. Melody shakes the king's hand then the prince shows her to a room that she can stay in. 

                  A month later

Ariel is still looking for melody but after a little while she finds her on a walk with the prince by the beach, she runs up to her and pulls her away from the man. “Melody! How dare you run away from home and come here you should know better than that!!” Ariel says as she smacks melody across the face. The prince pulls melody away from ariel. 

“How dare you hit her, what is wrong with you!” he says

“ This is my daughter, she shouldn't be here!” Ariel says.

The king hears all the ruckus and heads his way to his son, once he gets there he sees ariel. Ariel and him stare at each other for a little before she says sorry. “ You took my leg from me, you wicked sea witch!” he says. Melody looks at her mom and asks what the man is talking about. Ariel explains everything that happened and why she doesn't want melody on the surface. Melody and her mom argue for a little while longer before Ariel begins to drag her into the water, her legs turn into scales as she is being dragged but Melody kicks and screams not wanting to go back to being a mermaid. She found love and didn't want to let that go but before she knew it Ariel let go of her and they heard a thud. Melody looks back at her mom and sees her lying down with a gunshot wound in her head. Melody screamed and yelled for help but no one came to help, Melody held her mother in her arms as she watched her die. Melody looked at the king and pounded at him 

  To be continued.


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