The Darkest And Prettiest Mistress Or Goddess The World Has Ever Set Eyes Upon (, Final Episode 3 Out Of 3) Read Count : 58

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Lifestyle

Public Rules of Conduct

The slave will conduct himself at all times in such a manner as to not call attention to Mistress and slave. he will call his Mistress by her name only if the use of “Mistress” is inappropriate. The slave will defer to his Mistress in public. The slave may dress himself, but must seek approval of any clothing he wishes to wear in public. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the slave may not wear panties.

Work Rules of Conduct

No part of their agreement is intended to interfere with the slave’s career. The Mistress wishes the slave to work hard and honestly, in general to conduct himself in a manner calculated to bring honor and respect to T/them B/both. During periods of work, the slave is permitted to schedule appointments, to dress in a manner appropriate to work, and to leave the house when.necessary. During periods of work, the slave may answer the telephone and discuss business without the expressed permission of his Mistress.

With my signature below, i agree to accept and obey all preceding rules as well as any rules my Mistress may choose to issue at a later date. I gratefully consign by body and soul to my Mistress for Her pleasure and use for the contract period noted above.

_______________________________ slave___________ date

I accept My slave’s desire to serve Me more fully, and take responsibility for his well being, training and discipline to more perfectly serve My will.


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