The Darkest And Prettiest Mistress Or Goddess The World Has Ever Set Eyes Upon ( Episode 2 Of 3)
Read Count : 87
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Title :Private Rules of Conduct
On days when his Mistress is at work, the slave will greet Him wearing his collar, wrist restraints, and a shirt belonging to his Mistress. he will wear no underclothes in her presence unless given permission. On days when the Mistress is home, the slave will wear whatever is deemed appropriate by his Mistress. When in the same room as his Mistress, the slave will ask permission before leaving the room, explain where he is going, and why. At mealtimes, the slave will serve his Mistress, and sit at her feet while She eats. Food for the slave will be given by the Mistress at her discretion. When speaking to his Mistress or being spoken to by Him, the slave will assume a demeanor of
alert attention and will meet his Mistress’s eyes directly, unless instructed to do otherwise.
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