Pick Up The Call
Read Count : 176
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
“Amakay! Amakay!! Amakay!!! Why are you hiding yourself from me, why are you avoiding me? I truly want to you in my life, please come into my heart and stay, come into my life and be with me forever, I love you so much and you will always be my baby”I was hearing this voice but I don’t know where it was coming from. I started to follow the voice as the person kept talking to me so that I can trace myself to the person and finally see his face. I know that the voice is a male voice but it is unidentified.I was scared in that lonely road, as I was finding the person saying that to me. I got to a junction and saw a human figure who was wearing white clothes standing in the middle of the junction. I tried to move closer so that I can see his face. I moved closer and closer in courage just to see his face. The closer I get, the more afraid I become and the more the face of the person is hidden from the light. His face was so dark that I couldn’t see his face properly that night. I moved a bit closer again to take a proper look at his face, as I looked at his face, I almost saw his face but it was not clear enough. As I summoned courage to move closer to see his face again, I felt a hand that touch my shoulder and trembled. As I turned to look at the person that touched me, I woke up from my sleep. I took a deep breath and told myself, “oh, it was even a dream”. It took me a while to get up from the bed as I got worried with the dream. I was just thinking that what kind of voice that will be talking to me like that, to the extent that the person mentioned my name. Not just my name but the nickname that only my family and few of my friends know. People don’t know me by that name or call me by that name anyhow. If anyone should call me by that name, that means the person knows me too well. The only problem I have here is that I could not see the face of this person clearly so that I can identify this person. The face was unidentified because the street was dark and light was not shining on his face, and again the hood was almost covering his face . I am having a feeling that it is someone I know very well that was talking to me in my dream and I must find out who is this person. I must discuss this with my pastor to figure out who that person could be. After lots of thinking, I became so lazy to get out of the bed so I lay back on my bed and relax my body for some minutes. As I was resting on my bed, a call entered my phone that morning, I lazily got up, stretched one of my hands to pick my phone. I got my phone and checked who was calling my phone, as I looked at my phone, I saw the name, Adam. At first, I wanted to ignore the call but I was troubled. My heart was disturbed to answer the call so I picked up the call and place the phone on left side of my ear. As I placed the phone on my ear, I heard Adam’s voice and my heart started to panic but I got hold of myself so that Adam will not notice it at the sound of my voice. Adam and I greeted each other, I greeted him first then he replied me with excitement. My heart was peaceful as he spoke with me nicely, acting like he was caring, telling me that he missed me and he was afraid that he will lose me since I refuse to answer his calls for about a week now. I couldn’t say anything so I kept quiet and allowed him to do the talking on the phone. I was glad that the conversation went smoothly and I was glad that my man has come back to me after all. He told me a lot of things that was so sweet, he made me laugh like he use to, he told me how much he loves me so much and assured me that I am the one he will marry whether I am stubborn about it or not, he told me how he wants to give me a good treat that weekend to make me feel special, he also said that he wants to show me to his friends and let them know that I am the love of his life. He said a lot of things to me on the phone and I was glad that he wants to do all of that because of me. There on the phone we also settle our differences and I also used that opportunity to apologize to him for all my offenses I have done so he gladly accepted my apology. My Adam is the first and best citizen I have in my life and I am lucky to have such a great gem in my life. Adam may not be too rich but he is very hardworking and I believe he will take proper care of me when he marries me and make me his wife. Well, that’s by the way. For now, I have to start planning on how to build successful intimate relationship with Adam just like my friend has advised me to do, for I am not ready to lose Adam again, he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with no matter what is up.Before Adam end the conversation with me on the phone, he asked to get ready for he is coming to take me out for a date that night so I should not disappoint him this time. When he asked me for a date, I responded “OK”. I could feel the excitement in his voice as told me the hour he will come and pick me, and he said goodbye to me. That moment after he ended the call on me, I begin to feel this aura of love that overwhelmed me. The feeling was true, powerful, unlimited and uncontrollable. This love I feel for Adam was so unconditional but yet I was unconvinced inside of me. Why is it that I am acting funny about this love affair right now, is it that I am happy to have a man in my life but I am unprepared for this love affair due to some unforeseen that is unknown to me? Why is it that I am acting so scared to fall in love with Adam? It is not like I am shy or scared but there is something wrong somewhere that I am yet to figure out what it is. Am I ready for this or I should just tell Adam to stop wasting his time to build an intimate relationship with me that will not last. A relationship that he will regrettably walk out we will be sad about it. A relationship that we shall be bittered about ourselves at the end of the whole drama. I have to be sure about what I want to get into with Adam so that I will not mistake and get hurt at the end.After I thought about it, I decided that I should give it a try and if it works, fine! If the relationship between us did not work out later as time goes on, I can regrettably walk out of the relationship and move on with my life. First I wanted to prepare some meal I will eat that morning but by my calculations, if I should start to cook now, I may end up having brunch. And again, I want to also want to select the wear I will put on tonight for the date I will be having tonight with Adam. I started to reason that these two are going to take the whole of my day and time is not on my side so I have to let one go and focus on one so that I can achieve a good result. As I was thinking about that concluded that I can suspend the cooking because I have some cookies, cornflakes, a loaf of bread, golden morn and cake in my fridge. I have some bottles of groundnut, honey and garium sulphate if I want to soak garri that morning. So I remembered that last night, one of my good male neighbors who happens to be my admirer there in my compound also brought me some can drinks with crispy chicken and Pringles, with some packs of potato chips and plantain chips so I have plenty food I can eat without cooking them. Just for me to go to my fridge, pick the one I want eat that morning and also do my clothes selection before Adam will come and pick me up for the date. I quickly went to my fridge and took two sachets of plantain chips and two cans of malt drink, carry them to my room and drop them on a small table near my bed, I drew the table close to my wardrobe, open the nylon and started to pick-and-eat them one after the other. As I was chewing the plantain chips, I opened my wardrobe and began to do some clothes selection, preparing myself for the date coming up that evening. As I was eating, I was doing clothes selection as well, I want to make sure say that I wear the best to that date so that whoever Adam is going to introduce me to, will know that Adam is lucky to have a special person like me. I want to make sure that I dress to kill on my first date with Adam tonight. I don’t mean I want to dress indecently in such a way that I will be showing off my boobs, my hips or thighs so that the people will see the color of my pant, the color of my bra or the stretch marks on my skin. That’s not the kind of my dressing I do because I don’t find myself to be comfortable in those kind of dress anyways. I am the kind of girl that can dress like a church girl but I am a bad girl so don’t try me ooo. I use to tell my male friends not to judge me with my outward appearance when we meet for the first time because they can mistake me for someone else. I mean outwardly, I can look responsible and decent in appearance but in my heart I am too corrupt. My friends know me too well but you readers may not understand if I explain myself till the end of my story. That’s by the way so I Title :Pick up the call“Amakay! Amakay!! Amakay!!! Why are you hiding yourself from me, why are you avoiding me? I truly want to you in my life, please come into my heart and stay, come into my life and be with me forever, I love you so much and you will always be my baby”I was hearing this voice but I don’t know where it was coming from. I started to follow the voice as the person kept talking to me so that I can trace myself to the person and finally see his face. I know that the voice is a male voice but it is unidentified.I was scared in that lonely road, as I was finding the person saying that to me. I got to a junction and saw a human figure who was wearing white clothes standing in the middle of the junction. I tried to move closer so that I can see his face. I moved closer and closer in courage just to see his face. The closer I get, the more afraid I become and the more the face of the person is hidden from the light. His face was so dark that I couldn’t see his face properly that night. I moved a bit closer again to take a proper look at his face, as I looked at his face, I almost saw his face but it was not clear enough. As I summoned courage to move closer to see his face again, I felt a hand that touch my shoulder and I trembled. As I turned to look at the person that touched me, I woke up from my sleep. I took a deep breath and told myself, “oh, it was even a dream”. It took me a while to get up from the bed as I got worried with the dream. I was just thinking that what kind of voice that will be talking to me like that, to the extent that the person mentioned my name. Not just my name but the nickname that only my family and few of my friends know me by. People don’t know me by that name or call me by that name anyhow. If anyone should call me by that name, that means the person knows me too well. The only problem I have here is that I could not see the face of this person clearly so that I can identify this person. The face was unidentified because the street was dark and light was not shining on his face, and again the hood was almost covering his face . I am having a feeling that it is someone I know very well that was talking to me in my dream and I must find out who is this person. I must discuss this with my pastor to figure out who that person could be. After lots of thinking, I became so lazy to get out of the bed so I lay back on my bed and relax my body for some minutes. As I was resting on my bed, a call entered my phone that morning and my phone rang, I lazily got up, stretched one of my hands to pick my phone. I got my phone and checked who was calling my phone, as I looked at my phone, I saw the name, Adam. At first, I wanted to ignore the call but I was troubled. My heart was disturbed to answer the call so I picked up the call and place the phone on left side of my ear. As I placed the phone on my ear, I heard Adam’s voice and my heart started to panic but I got hold of myself so that Adam will not notice it at the sound of my voice. Adam and I greeted each other, I greeted him first then he replied me with excitement. My heart was peaceful as he spoke with me nicely, acting like he was caring, telling me that he missed me very much and he was afraid that he will lose me since I refuse to answer his calls for about a week now. I couldn’t say anything so I kept quiet and allowed him to do the talking on the phone. I was glad that the conversation went smoothly and I was glad that my man has come back to me after all. He told me a lot of things that was so sweet, he made me laugh like he use to, he told me how much he loves me so much and assured me that I am the one he will marry whether I am stubborn about it or not, he told me how he wants to give me a good treat that weekend to make me feel special, he also said that he wants to show me to his friends and let them know that I am the love of his life. He said a lot of things to me on the phone and I was glad that he wants to do all of that because of me. There on the phone we also settle our differences and I also used that opportunity to apologize to him for all my offenses I have done so he gladly accepted my apology. My Adam is the first and best citizen I have in my life and I am lucky to have such a great gem in my life. Adam may not be too rich but he is very hardworking and I believe he will take proper care of me when he marries me and make me his wife. Well, that’s by the way. For now, I have to start planning on how to build successful intimate relationship with Adam just like my friend has advised me to do, for I am not ready to lose Adam again, he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with no matter what is up.Before Adam end the conversation with me on the phone, he asked to get ready for he is coming to take me out for a date that night so I should not disappoint him this time. When he asked me for a date, I responded “OK”. I could feel the excitement in his voice as told me the hour he will come and pick me, and he said goodbye to me. That moment after he ended the call on me, I begin to feel this aura of love that overwhelmed me. The feeling was true, powerful, unlimited and uncontrollable. This love I feel for Adam was so unconditional but yet I was unconvinced inside of me. Why is it that I am acting funny about this love affair right now, is it that I am happy to have a man in my life but I am unprepared for this love affair due to some unforeseen circumstances that is unknown to me? Why is it that I am acting so scared to fall in love with Adam? It is not like I am shy or scared but there is something wrong somewhere that I am yet to figure out what it is. Am I ready for this or I should just tell Adam to stop wasting his time to build an intimate relationship with me that will not last. A relationship that he will regrettably walk out and we will be sad about it. A relationship that we shall be bittered about ourselves at the end of the whole drama. I have to be sure about what I want to get into with Adam so that I will not make mistake and get hurt at the end.After I thought about it, I decided that I should give it a try and if it works, fine! If the relationship between us did not work out later as time goes on, I can regrettably walk out of the relationship and move on with my life. First I wanted to prepare some meal I will eat that morning but by my calculations, if I should start to cook now, I may end up having brunch. And again, I want to also want to select the wear I will put on tonight for the date I will be having tonight with Adam. I started to reason that these two are going to take the whole of my day and time is not on my side so I have to let one go and focus on one so that I can achieve a good result. As I was thinking about that , I concluded that I can suspend the cooking because I have some cookies, cornflakes, a loaf of bread, golden morn and cake in my fridge. I have some bottles of groundnut, honey and garium sulphate if I want to soak garri that morning. So I remembered that last night, one of my good male neighbors who happens to be my admirer there in my compound also brought me some can drinks with crispy chicken and Pringles, with some packs of potato chips and plantain chips so I have plenty food I can eat without cooking them. Just for me to go to my fridge, pick the one I want eat that morning and also do my clothes selection before Adam will come and pick me up for the date. I quickly went to my fridge and took two sachets of plantain chips and two cans of malt drink, carry them to my room and drop them on a small table near my bed, I drew the table close to my wardrobe, open the nylon and started to pick-and-eat them one after the other. As I was chewing the plantain chips, I opened my wardrobe and began to do some clothes selection, preparing myself for the date coming up that evening. As I was eating, I was doing clothes selection as well, I want to make sure that I wear the best to the date or put on my best dress to the date that night so that whoever Adam is going to introduce me to, will know that Adam is lucky to have a special person like me. I want to make sure that I dress to kill on my first date with Adam tonight. I don’t mean I want to dress indecently in such a way that I will be showing off my boobs, my hips or thighs so that the people will see the color of my pant, the color of my bra or the stretch marks on my skin. That’s not the kind of my dressing I do because I don’t find myself to be comfortable in those kind of dress anyways. I am the kind of girl that can dress like a church girl but I am a bad girl so don’t try me ooo. I use to tell my male friends not to judge me with my outward appearance when we meet for the first time because they can mistake me for someone else. I mean outwardly, I can look responsible and decent in appearance but in my heart I am too corrupt. My friends know me too well but you readers may not understand if I explain myself till the end of my story. That’s by the way so I am happy I have a date with Adam tonight and I have to look my best to impress my man, if possible please him with my body if he wants, oops!I am not even suppose to say this part now. I am supposed to wait until I get to that part.Ok, I think I have got some clothes I will wear tonight. I found a blue dress that I will wear tonight for my date with Adam. Now that I got a blue dress, I have to look for a pair of shoes and a small purse that will go with this blue dress. As I was searching for footwear to put on that evening, I found out that the blue shoes I wanted to wear is not going to work because one of the shoes was opened at the front of the sole and the skin was peeled off. I got worried and I didn’t stop there, I remembered that there was a pair of sandals I wore to my girlfriend’s birthday last month and that was the last time I wore that sandals. I had to go further to search for the pair of sandals and I found them under my bed. I started to wonder how the pair of sandals got there for I searched the whole house, permit me to say that I turned the house upside down just to get this pair of sandal, only for me to find them under my bed. What surprised me was that, I don’t put my foot-wears under the bed, I have a shoe rack where I arranged all my foot-wears so how the pair of sandals got under my bed was a mystery to me. Anyways, how the pair of sandals got under my bed shouldn’t bother me because I have found it and it is going to match my blue dress. The purse I am going to use is not far fetched from me. I also brought out a beret and a pair of eye glasses I was going to wear that night. I told you I am going to look my best on my first date with Adam so I am ready now. I brought out my pressing iron and straighten my clothes. By the time I will do all of these, I discovered that I have few hours left to prepare myself for the date. I quickly painted my nails on my hands and feet, shaved my eyebrows, my hair was ok because I braided my hair two days ago. My hair was still new and neat so I have nothing to worry about. I went into my room to arranged back all my clothes I scattered on my bed before I will enter the bathroom to wash myself. As I was arranging my clothes, a call entered my phone so I checked and it was Adam that was calling my phone so I picked up the call. Adam and I saluted each other then he asked me my level of preparation for the date so I told him that I am fully prepared so no cause for alarm. He laughed at my response and told me that he will send me the location to my phone so that I will meet him there. He also asked me not to keep him waiting for he will be there waiting for me and I assured that I will be punctual at the venue of the date. He ended the call and after a while I got a text message containing all the information about the location where we are going to meet. Immediately I read the message, I plugged my phone to power my phone a little bit cos the percentage of the battery is about fifty three percent, the performance of the battery is good but I just need to boost the battery level so that my phone will not go off. I am going to a far place and I am not comfortable going with my charger in other to charge my phone outside my house. I rather charge my phone very well at home because we have power. As I plugged my phone, I started to ask myself why Adam was laughing immediately I assured him that I was going to come early to the date. Something then told me that he was quite excited and he was overjoyed with the fact that I am going to have a date with him. I asked myself again that how come this date mean so much to Adam like this, hope it is not what I am thinking? Anyways this date means a lot to me for I don’t to pretend about it. I really love Adam so much, I am dying to have a date with a man I truly love and I pray that this relationship that we want to start, works out well and may it be successful too. I took a deep breath and went back to arrange my clothes.I finished arranged my clothes, I went ahead to tidy my house and quickly entered the bathroom to take my bath. After I finished washing myself, I came out of the bathroom and brought out all my cosmetics that I will apply on my body before wearing my dress. I sat in front of the mirror on the wall and I stared at myself with an unusual smile on my face. I brought out my body cream and apply it all over my body. Apply some hair cream and after this, I began to work on my face. I brought out my makeup kit, opened it and applied different colors of powder that will bring out the beauty of my face. I started with foundation and began to rub powder upon powder to beautify my face and it took me hours to get the exact makeup that will suit my face that night. After I got the look I wanted on my face, I went ahead to wear my dress. The dress I wore was perfect but the issue there was that it may be revealing my pants if I sit on a chair and if I say I should cross my legs to protect or cover up my undies, my dress may go up and expose my thighs which may make me uncomfortable. I don’t want to take a chance to reveal my body to Adam on my first date because first impression matters. I have some leggings that I can wear to fit my blue dress and it will make my dressing perfect for me that night. I quickly picked up a pair of my leggings and wore it. I brought out my purse, wore my glasses and looked at myself at the mirror to check how I looked. I looked beautiful but there were some things missing. I started to figure out what could that be but it was not coming. I brought out my bag full of my accessories. I placed the bag on the bed, opened the bag, brought out a pair of earrings and wore them, brought out a short necklace and wore it as well, brought out my wristband and wristwatch and wore them. As I was wearing them, I was also checking out what I put on and if they fit my body in the mirror. When I looked at myself, something keep telling me that there is something I am supposed to wear but I couldn’t figure it out immediately. I brought out my eyes pencil and paint my eyelids and eyebrows, I painted my lips with a blue lipstick, quick painted my nails with blue color. As I was painting my nails, I then remembered that I was to wear a beret and a pair of glasses. So I quickly wore them, checked myself out then I found out that my dressing was perfect and I am good to go. You need to see how I look that evening, should I say I painted the town blue with my dressing that night. My dressing was so unique and there was none like it. My dressing was so sweet that immediately I stepped out of my apartment and I was heading to the gate in my compound, my neighbors were shouting “up blues”. I was like I am not a fan of Chelsea football club and again, I am not a lover of football so please stop hailing me “up blues”.My female neighbor was like, “babe, you really dress to impress or dress to kill because this one you dressed all round blue. From your hair to your feet you dressed blue and you look smart and sweet in those dressing”. I heard this statement and we all laughed about the statement. I was so glad to hear my neighbor saying nice words about my dressing and I believe Adam will say same thing by the time we meet today. My neighbors asked me where I was going with that dressing so I told them that I have a date with a guy. They were happy with me and wished me all the best. As we were having all this conversation, I already requested a ride with BOLT in my phone and the taxi is already close to my street. So I started to round up the conversation I was having with my neighbors as the vehicle is about to get to my building. I quickly left my neighbors and bid them farewell immediately I was notified that the taxi has arrived. I moved out of my compound and walked to the car that I requested online. I got to the car and greeted the driver and board the car. I told the driver where I am heading to and he asked me to fasten my seatbelt. I quickly fastened my seatbelt and he drove off. As he was driving me to the location of the hotel, he entertained me with some good Nigerian music. I love music a lot and I love to sing songs. I don’t just love to listen to music, I can write, compose and sing songs professionally but it just that the kind of business I do never gave me a chance to start a career in music and I never regret it anyway. I can also dance very well too, I love to dance all the time and I can never get tire of dancing. That day I first listened to the song “NEED SOMEBODY” by faze followed by “ NO ONE LIKE YOU” by Psquare. The list of songs played in the car stereo were all beautiful and romantic. Those songs really prepared for what I was going for and put me in the right mood. Those songs prepared me to face my fears I have been nursing in my heart concerning the relationship I want to get myself into with Adam. The driver engaged me into conversation about myself, he told me that he fell in love with my outfit the moment he set his eyes on me so he will love to know everything about me. I laughed at his sweet words of complements but did not say a word. He continued to tell me that I am so beautiful and very attractive to him, he will want to know me more and get intimate with me so that we can have a sexual relationship together. I looked him into his eyes and he looked at me for a while and quickly turned his face to the front view because he was still driving. He continued to tell me that he is not comfortable with the silence I was giving him for he loved me so much and he wanted a “YES” for an answer, not a silence. I told him that I have a boyfriend and he is the one I am going to meet at the hotel to spend quality time with him. I love him so much and I don’t want to hurt him by cheating on him so let us close the chapter for I am not ready to talk about it. The drive replied me saying that I should stop acting like I am a virgin or a saint. He said that he was having a feeling that I am a smart girl who knows how to have her way in my relationship with my boyfriend but I am just pretending to him. I didn’t say a word instead I looked at him rudely and hissed. As he wanted to say a word, I hushed him and asked him to mind his business before I will insult him, I asked him to shut up and warned him that if he insults me again, I will ask my boyfriend to beat him up. He apologized and told me that the conversation doesn’t call for a fight and he wants the both of us to understand ourselves. He begged me to have my phone number so that he can call me and talk to me from time to time. He brought out his phone from his pocket, unlocked the phone, gave me his phone and asked me to dial my phone number in his phone and save it with my name. I collected his phone, saved my phone number in his phone and gave it back to him. He smiled at me and promised to call me one of these days. From Governor road, Ikotun where the taxi came to board me and we are heading to MAGIC CROWN, Apple junction in Ago place, Lagos. If there was no traffic on the road, the journey should not take us twenty minutes to get there. That day it took me fifty minutes to get to Ago round-about. There were a lot of delay because of the traffic on the road. I experienced traffic at synagogue church of all nations down to cele bus top, after we cross the road was traffic-free till we got into traffic again around Iyana Ejigbo, the traffic continued in NNPC, Jakande bus sto till we got to Pako bus stop. The road was free again till we got to Ago roundabout. I was so worried because I was already going to the date late. I called Adam on the phone and he picked my call. He asked me where I was and what was keeping me that long that I have not got to the venue up till now. So I told him where I was, I explained how traffic is heavy on the road and how I can’t get there on time so he should bear with me for I will so get to the venue anytime soon. He replied me saying that there is no problem,that he will be waiting for me to come, he ended the call on me and I put my phone in my purse and we continued the journey. When got to the venue, he told me that I can alight from his car for we have reached the final destination. I took my purse, brought out the cash he charged me for the ride. As I gave him the cash, the driver refused the cash and asked me not to worry about the pay, that I should keep the money. I gave him a funny look and he told me that he did this because he loves me. I stepped down from his car and walked into the hotel. When I got to the reception, I saw Adam and he was very excited to see me that night.