As The Sunrises I Set… Read Count : 16

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Biography
The light of the sunrise awakens him, he turns his head to his left trying to escape it and seconds later he realises the sweet darkness of sleep isn’t coming anytime soon.
He rises to his reflection like every other morning and immediately looks away. “It’s a new day,” he thinks “His mercies are new.” he tries to encourage himself ,but even the tone of his thoughts aren’t so reassuring. He’d sit there and rot all day if it weren’t for the taste of forgotten dreams in his mouth and the ache of hunger in his belly. He lifts himself up from his wave of comfort which has turned to an ocean of sorrow due to the rise of the sun. After his morning routine he finds himself again met with his reflection ,unable to avoid it this time. This time what meets him is not anger or disgust ,not even disappointment but a look of lost hope.


  • Oct 12, 2024

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