Sound Read Count : 18

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
As far back as I can remember, music has always been a huge passion of mine. As a little girl my mom would say that I was a wild tasmanian devil! Hyper, self mannered in a poor way, very imaginative, naive, loving, trusting, pure hearted, messy hair, no socks, no shoes, and of course very colorful, and mix matched pattern, no shame in who I was. Back then things like sensory learning, or things like learning disabilities and mental instability was not acknowledged. So this little crazy, wild haired tasmanian devil, lived the only way she knew how. She being me, learned through music, I literally needed sounds, or a beat, a melody of some sort, in order for me to attempt to learn and be at the same pace mentally, physically and emotionally like the people around me 😭.... Tbc


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