Allure Read Count : 25

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
There’s a girl I’ve never known,
Her skin like chocolate, smooth and deep,
A stranger in the halls we roam,
But somehow in my mind she keeps,
A place where all my thoughts do meet.

She flirts with smiles that brush the air,
Though I’ve never caught her gaze,
In every glance, I find her there,
A whisper in the crowd, a daze,
She teases time in fleeting ways.

She’s kind of my favorite, it’s true,
Though we’ve never shared a word,
In passing moments, there’s a clue,
Of something felt, but never heard,
A silent song that’s still absurd.

I miss her face I’ve never seen,
Her laugh I’ve yet to understand,
She’s like a dream that’s in between,
A mystery I cannot command,
Yet here I stand with empty hands.

To know her seems a distant hope,
A stranger I’ve come to adore,
But love is strange, it helps us cope,
With missing those we don’t explore,
A quiet ache I can’t ignore.


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