Path To Heaven Read Count : 33

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
There is a path that leads to heaven
Who knows what truths await
Waiting for you to come 
And take it as your own

A truth that applies to one and all
But is still yours to hold 
That will lead you to love and understanding
Peace and fulfillment in your heart

There you will find the love of GOD
Which surpasses all understanding
You will find forgiveness of sin
Which will help bring healing to your soul

You will find a guide to walk with you
To teach you how to live your life
To speak to the longing in your heart
And the hearts of those around you

You will learn to speak words that heal
That help to make others whole
You will learn to pray for yourself
and those around you
You will see the change in people              you love and those you’ve just met

Seek out the love of GOD
And go forth into the land
And bring healing to all 
That they may enter the kingdom of GOD


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