Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
The words that you have written next to the photo of me. Her I love. I remember those words. In the photo I was wearing a red dress, sitting on the grass.
The photo you put in a small album so many years ago. I wonder if you took that with you that day you left. You gave it back after you came home. When I lost you. You never spoke a word to me then. I was so broken, hurt and confused. I never knew why you pushed me away. Why you suddenly shut me out. I still don't. He told me you were always like this. Using women. My heart just refuse to believe that. I know I must have something to do with you changing the way you did.
In my dreams at night I am with you. In my dreams I have touched you and kissed you a thousand times.
Only to wake up to the reality that your heart wil never be mine and I can never be yours.
There is nothing worse than having to live without someone you have never stopped loving.
There are so many mountains. Seperating us forever.
I know you are out there somewhere.
I told you that nothing can change my love for you. I forgive you. I forgive you for everything. It does'nt make the pain any less, but now I know. I understand why I find it so hard to let you go.
'Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.'
(1 Corinthians 13:7-8)
This is how I know I really love you. I could never get myself to hate you when I have done exactly the same for the same reasons. Trying to forget you. Trying to get over you. Only to hurt my family instead.
I have endured knowing,seeing and hearing about everything you did. I believe that you still love me deeply. The way I love you. I still have hope that someday you will change and that I will see you again.
Please stay alive for me.
I love you.
Always, forever.
Your Silent Angel.
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