Read Count : 55
Category : Articles
Sub Category : Politics
Why has love always been seen from the same perspective? When love is in every relationship, in every emotion, in every word, in every meaning, in every law, in the constitution, from earth to sky, only love is spread everywhere, from parents to friends, from animals and birds to God, from a straw to the entire universe, it is spread everywhere. Love has never had any limit, it has always been present in the inner heart of every creature, in its hidden feelings, and that love has never been dependent on any one person, the entire universe, humans, creatures, nature, all relationships, all attachments have come under that love, there has never been anything where there is no possibility of love, or where love cannot flourish, because of human mistakes. Reason,Wrong notions were created about love,The truth is that it is not love, it is man who is wrong.Well..Favour listic
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