A New Man Read Count : 79

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Man upon the streets
Wander place to place
Mind in total darkness
I’ve forgotten myself
Left out of society
My mind a bitter wreck
So many voices
Which one do I seek

Years have passed slowly
No friend here have I 
Weeping and gnashing of teeth
Screams I can’t deny
Rock to lay my head
Dirt my awful bed
No proper clothes upon my back
Nor shoes here have I

They bring me to this man
Say Jesus is His name
He’s told I am demoniac
Stranger to my name
The demons howl in rage
When asked what their name
They say, we are legion 
For we are many but the same

Jesus says to leave the man
They grumble and they moan
Please master, in the pigs
Because they need a new home
Jesus says yes, the pigs let it be
They celebrate their triumph
In the pigs off they go
And promptly the pigs, go racing to the sea

The man looks around
Amazed at what he sees
Jesus here before him
He bows to his knees
He listens to the words
Jesus speaks to the crowd
Amazed and in wonder
At the authority in His words

Here I met my maker
And the plans He has for me
Met Him on the road to hell
Washed me clean indeed
Plant a seed in me
Water to make it grow
Grow to be tall and strong
No more wilderness for me

I am a new man
Live a life for Him
Hear the words I speak
Please, come in


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