Why Me Read Count : 131

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Everytime when I think of the good times we shared together my heart aches really bad .
I don't know who to blame but myself.
Am I the wrong one I questioned.
But no answer came only hot
Salty tears came rushing down my 
I don't have anyone to turn to.
I made you my world and just like
A toddlers tower the world 
Came crushing down.
It's like everything that I invested in
Came crushing down .
I don't know who to blame but myself,
for allowing you to fool me.
You made me believe in all your lies 
And damn right I fell for it.
Only if I knew that all the love stories 
And movies were just something written from the scripts.
I thought maybe there is a happy ending. 
that maybe if I gave you everything you wouldn't leave.
I was wrong and you proved that.
So many questions linger in my mind and 
I don't have the right answers.
I really wish you could help me on this one.
You were once my rock, 
The only shield that I had and now
The bullet found it's way to my heart.
thought you'd protect me from this cruel world's pain,
But you didn't.
Instead, you inflicted more pain.
I never wished for anything but your love.
You broke my heart and left a deep wound within me.
They say everyone writes their own story,
but I wrote a heart wrenching one.
How can one have a broken heart at such a young age?
I had one wish and it didn't come true.
I wish I could see a shooting star,
Maybe if I make another wish it will come true. 
Maybe if I change something I will be better.
I never deserved the pain you put me through.
All I wanted was your love,
A thing you can just give without losing anything .
Maybe it's true I aren't worth it.
They were right.
I'm just too naive for the word.
Of all the millon questions in my mind
 I just want you to answer one


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