Just Some Good Stuff.
Read Count : 152
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
It was midnight again. Adila felt completely restless. As she lay on her bed, soaked in sweat and frantically groping for the covers... she felt troubled.This was strange, as usual. This feeling. She felt like her skin was burning, she had that innate desire>> that knowledge that there was something she had to do. Strangely enough, she felt she knew exactly what that was. She began to gasp for air. Yes! This was as expected, always happened after the restlessness and burning feel. Adila resented herself.Her girlfriend Ellen, was sound asleep beside her, as if she had no care in the world. it was as though someone had cast a spell on everyone around her when this happened. Every single time.She blindly arose from the covers, holding her throat and trying desperately to inhale air, she trudged further, eyes laced with tears threatening to blind her.When she reached the door, she felt for the knob. Adila knew what would eventually happen. This was the fifth time this was happening to her, not like she was counting. She had never gone past this stage of gasping for breath before she conceded defeat and relished full control of her body.The knob turned, the door fluttering wide open into the blinding darkness. Adila wondered who was doing this to her. And why. Was this ever going to stop?