Moment With Him Read Count : 115

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Romance
I walk in his room. He's sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard, smiling at me. "Hey, Kitten. Missed me?" I nod and start tearing up. I'm stressed, and the recent deaths of residents are getting to me. He pulls the blanket down and pats the mattress. 

I start stripping my clothes off, down to my bra and panties. I'm wearing the matching set he loves. I keep looking at him, tearing up. He doesn't break eye contact. I climb into his bed, snuggling close to him, and break down crying. 

He squeezes me tightly to him, rubbing my back, kissing my forehead, and whispering praises. He knows that it's hard for me to ask for help, or admit that I'm feeling weak. He knows so much about me, it scares me. 

"Last night, we got the news that two more died... Hospital called to inform us. She makes 18 since May 1st.... Yes, most of them were there to pass but it still hurts.... I'm always nominating myself to be the sentry if no family is around... Nobody should have to go alone... Last night was hard... Remember me telling you about the new guy? Bad vibes from him? Like i go into fight mode.... Management decided I don't have to go in alone... He's a heavy diabetic, blood sugars run very high, he doesn't follow anything doctors say..." I start crying again, mostly from stress and exhaustion. "He came back from the hospital, and said it's my fault... He said because I stood my ground, stood up for myself, it was my fault he had a mini stroke." I grit my teeth and start fighting my tears.

He hugs my tighter, rubs my cheek, looking into my eyes. "That guy is an asshole. You said so yourself. He is noncompliant, abuses the other workers, and is blaming everyone but himself. Kitten, let it all out. You're safe, baby. Be my good kitten and let me protect you." He starts kissing my lips softly, rubbing my cheek and keeps one arm wrapped around me. The tears come again, flowing even more. 

I start talking about the real issue, me feeling guilty over having to write a statement, getting questioned, and even having to talk to higher ups in corporate about seeing my work bestie drinking. She confessed she was drinking, drank in front of me, offered me some, and admitted she was taking the narcotics.. I feel like I betrayed her trust, but I know I did the right thing. He has heard what happens already, but he still comforts me, telling me I did the right thing. 

"She said it's my fault she might be homeless and lose her home. She blamed me for her family going hungry, going to get kicked out of their rental, losing their only vehicle, and it's my fault she lost her job." I say to him and he looks angry. I can see in his eyes how angry he is. My villain hero. He's absolutely perfect to me, and we both wish we met earlier in life. We'd have more time together. 

"Kitten, kitten, kitten... My baby... All you did was protect the patients. You saved them. You prevented something horrible from happening. She chose to drink. She is at fault. Not you. You didn't betray anyone. You did the right thing. I know, you're feeling guilty. But again, not your fault. You did nothing wrong." I squeak as he hugs me tighter. He imitates my squeak. I squeak again, he does it again. We both start laughing and we kiss. "143, Princess.. My adorable Princess." He says between kisses. I just smile, feeling all of me relaxing. 

"143... Baby?" I whisper and he stops kissing my face and looks at me. "Baby... 143... I love you..." He sighs deeply, hearing the actual phrase instead of our way of saying it. "I love you.." i repeat, falling more into his eyes and feeling his body react. I say his first name. "I love you. 143..."

We lay there in his bed, staring into each other's eyes and breathing heavy. We're both fighting against thoughts but our bodies are craving the other. He unhooks my bra, removing it and throwing it on my side of the bed. I take his shirt off and toss it towards the pile of my clothes. He presses his chest against mine and we both sigh loudly, feeling the other's heartbeat. We don't break eye contact the entire time as we both take our remaining items off, feeling the other's body. 

"Kitten, I can't hold back...." He moans as he teases my entrance. He feels how wet I am, beckoning him like the hundreds of times before. Feeling like the first time, each time. "Kitten... My Princess... You're so beautiful." He says, gently entering me, smiling at my noises. "My beautiful Princess... Such a perfect Princess. My baby..." He says with each thrust. I don't break eye contact and moan while I pull him closer to me. 

"Baby... You're so perfect." I let out a cry when he thrusts hard inside me "Daddy..." I moan and his body tenses. I feel his muscles tense. He breathes heavy, looking in my eyes, not moving, just inside me. We smile at each and he nods. "Do you mind if I call you that?" He shakes his head. We kiss passionately, clinging to each other. "I love you, Daddy" i whisper in his ear.


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