Something To Say Read Count : 96

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
 something to say


The Planet has something to say

10 x Janet has something to say

The Pennsoil label next to the Wrigley gum wrapper you  destroyed has something to say

The twig off 95 South near the deserted Sunoco  that noticed you on your way to a very boring Bob Dylan concert  has something to say

Your brother Darryl and your other brother Darryl has something to say

The Gideon Bible you threw out and replaced with a bottle of Johnny 
Walker has something to say

The fish bone on the floor of the Springfield Giant Supermarket that likes your Penn State sweater has something to say

( except it's a Steelers fan, being not worth much and everything)

Coke and a joke and a radioactive isotope has something to say

Pepsi? Nope

The shoes you left in your locker ( combination r 12 l 15 r 7 in case anyone wants to know) has something to say

Kramer's old bathtub on Leeds Street in Norristown has something to say

The yawn of your second cousin's sister adopted step sister has something to say

Half of a My Pillow with bugs has something to say

Something something - something has something to say

Re runs of It's a  Wonderful Life has something to say

Miss Barbara your second grade teacher is waiting for you to shut up because she has something to say

Tooth decay has something to say

Next week's exciting adventure has something to say

The Beatles? Nope

Fey Wray and King Kong and the Empire State Building has something to say

Artificial Intelligence? Nope.

Death by lethal injection ice cream has something to say

Go away has something to say

Also maybe

Also Baby ,  Baby

Amy Grant? Nope.

Amy Grant's pet rock has something to say

And Shakespeare already said it.


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