Jesahel Read Count : 112

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Grief Of Sin”

1. Though I’m a sinner,
I refuse to speak to thee O’ Lord.
I am vexed in my veins,
though I long for holiness 
the greater my members destroy me. (2.) For I am vexed with sin, captured by iniquity, for there’s a leak in this old temple-
For my soul to flee. (3.)
To the shadows of your grace
A sinful man, peace won’t allow; hold me in your bosom O’ FATHER of my Father?
(4.) I am wretched before the Son, no strength to fight for thy silence has crushed my bones. 

(5.) In the midst of my troubles are near,
I seek another Sultan among the clouds I ran across the skies, with all imperfections that lies in me-

            He let the deaf sheep go astray,
          There are few sheep he keeps; He lets loose the goats for they are guilty of divinations!” 
                      (6.) The prideful as the death of fear-
For fear as the spirit of death!
(7.) He who walks upon rocks, will lift up his head towards the heavens and a new strength will bestow upon him. (8.) After being defeated 70 X 7 times, his mistakes are nailed to a tree and a cross is above his own head.

(9.)  Where the rains fall the angels of the LORD weep throughout the earth, 
even without sight of man the King foreshadows thy pain to bless the lands with HIS tears. (10.) For His tears tells the secrets behind you for what He sees, but as man go about; they will never understand the tears of the Lord for He weeps for you.

(10). “The Lord Is My Spouse”

               “The Lord is my spouse,
                        He made a way.”
                 “The Lord is my spouse,
                           for He is good!”
                     “What a big God we serve,
                   “for He is my provider.”
                    “What a big God we serve,
                        “for He is my friend.”
                    “What a big God we serve,
                      “for He is my proctector, my lover-
“My God, My Omega is forever good.”
(11.) For He walks with me,
for He talks with me,
even though I sin, His love abounds.
For I long for righteousness though I fail,
What a faithful Servant, a faithful Lawyer before me!
(12.) For He is highly great to be worthy of praise. He is my shield, my deliverer, so I shall put my victory in the LORD!
For Victorious is the King,
A Champion in all His ways-
My God, My Compa!

“Altar Of Repentance”

(13.) Lord, I am not holy like you,
though I long for your good,
I will never be righteous like you O’ Jesus, 

Though they call me good, I am not!
Though they call me sweet, which shall I boast a lie? (14.)

Though my secrets aren’t hidden from you, 
Though you are just and I am wretched before thee.

(15.) Though only you are righteous but I am a heathen in your presence,
Cast Me Out! For I am ashamed of my iniquities,

I know sin more than grace,
For Lord only you discern me behind my curtains,
Though I hide from the world in darkness your eyes are looking, 

though what can’t I keep from you indeed not anything is hidden from the fire of your eyes, for you are GOD the Omega!

“Loose Thyself!”

(16.) Though I chase you,
I shall not find-
Though I seek you,
You O’ God hide from me.
Though I reach out,
You don’t answer.
I seek your face, but you don’t call.
I lift your name, but you sit still.
You are silent o’ LORD!
Though I am alone, I feel a void so I faint before you 
For I am not desperate for you.

(17.) But behold!
The King is here!
To take me away from death.
I feel his kingdom within my midst,
Though I died; I found HIM,
Though I ceased, He chased me,
Though I threw the rag, He appeared out of darkness. (18.)
Though I was in the abyss, His hand touched me and gave me His wing
Though He kissed me
At my dying days, He uplifted me when I had enough.

“Tone Of Jesus”

(19.) The frequencies of the Lord is boundless,
Though He echoes through my mind
My heart is shaken. (20.)
Though His nudge I tremble,
And He whispers in my mind His precious voice.
(21.) Though if I’m wrong He shouts as I sleep.
Though He speaks His heart is vexed 
Though His concerns for me. (22.) Wretched in every way I need the Lord,
Wretched in every circumstance I need the Savior.

(23.) When I long to rejoice in righteousness; this thorn in my flesh fights against me,
Though I might find this world, no peace lay beside it. (24.) Though I may find Christ all peace is measured unto me,
No earthly accords that I need a big brother and a tangible Father;  He is there to grant me to grant me all peace and the fullness of His LOVE abounds, everything the Holy Father has made will be added unto me. (25.)

2. "A Servant's Letter"

I will dress myself lowly before the King
I do not of myself but for my master. (26.)
(27.) Iserve my enemies great wine and roses. (28.)
I give my friends food from the gardens. (29.)
I seek to serve bountiful as my master requested of me;
Not for myself but for my Keeper.
(30.) Just like my master
I am a gentle servant. (31.)
My master is greater than I
I am his black sheep a unique lamb.
(32.) I am the mule of obedience who loves his beloved master.
His master has died before him. (32.)
But now he has returned from the stones
Into the stars.
(33.) I was in the lonely seas
And from my watery tombs he has lifted me up. (34.)
I am the prophet of the oceans.
(35.) Of weeps and tears to sow into my master's flask. (36.)
For he has many tears against this generation.

(37.) "Beyond The Dawn"

Let him breathe beyond the dawn's
As swello adorn the times,
He seeks a door beyond the skies. (38.)
A tither his silence
A voice unheard;
Beyond the clouds I seek
An opened door unseen.
(39.) I look beneath the open meadows
Beneath the cracks of time. (40.)
A secret in the streets
I awake from a lake.
(41.) Hear me O' dorn
To keep a mellow creek

What a generation is this? (42.)
My heart so gloomy.
(43.) O' my burdens are many before my eyes. (44.)
O' Forever Faithful who takes my burdens astray. (45.)
My soul is uneasy;
My spirit is calling.
(46.) What a time like this before my face
He weeps inside me
How many tears He cries a river 
On His throne. (47.) I seen the intruder
struck my Master in the nose.
(48.) How it broke my heart because of my iniquities. (49.)
O' ye daughters weep for thy children
For the dead is among us.
(50.) Keep thine doors painted in the spring of night
Let He come into thine hearts
Oh you wicked nations.

"Poem Of Praise"

(51.) I tremble before thy power,
I'm laid to rest in your glory;
As I fall under your 'GHOST'
With authority you rise me from my sleep. (52.)
You call my name from the stones.
I was buried with the beasts
But, you have delivered me my God,
my peace;
You called me in my mother's womb.
You annointed my head 
with fragrance of your glory.
(53.) Praise be to God!
(54.) O' precious God, lend me thy Beautiful Spirit
to grant me life more abundantly.(55.)
Hallelujah! to the Holy Spirit
The Lamb of my days
forever is your reign O' God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I praise thy holiness;
You saved me from the waters. (56.)

"Lost Toss"

Broken mind,
Broken ark. (57.)
Of one man's time,
Weary vessel beyond the docks. 
(58.) I seem so lost
On edge of rocks. (59.)
Give me the ropes,
Let me climb?
(60.) To take the rows a lope.
Weak O' day in my room.

"Invisible Love"

(61.) Empty but not broken,
Lonely but not alone. (63.)
I found a LOVE unseen,
A LOVE so true. 
(64.) I crave nothing,
A love who speaks no sound. (65.)
(66.) Invisible hugs I lay me down to sleep

Greater LOVE than man, though I may cry,
His Love holds me. (67.)

Though I suffer alone, no greater joy I found.

(68.) Ghost of love,
I seek thee O' wonders of light. (69.)

LOVE I know so you died,

(69.) Best Love I have even when solo. 

(70.) "Storms and Rain"

God doesn't blesses without speaking
For the thunders of his voice causes rain to fall and always rain are blessings to the earth and yet how it still shows you how God loves the earth. (71.)
But His judgments are like hurricanes in specific regions usually when God judges a specific area it's all because of sin but when He judges sin then He has to clean it up either by fire, thunderstorms, typhoons and hurricanes.
(72.) Usually in the natural sense we usually don't understand what's going on because you turn on the television and all these chaotic things are taking place in our world and naturally all the evil that goes on is all because simply of sin. (73.)
Usually when we're in sin we are not the best versions of ourselves and sin brings forth the fruit of death after been done for so long (74.) then usually judgment comes.
So we see usually mass murders, rapist, serial killers, ect. But simply in a carnal mind we cannot comprehend what we see but spiritually we have to know that this evilness taking place is actually spiritual. (75.) So we see how sin opens spiritual doors for other traumatic spirits to form our lives usually from early childhood and generations. (76.) So from each generation holds a different type of spirit or curse. Usually when we think of a generational curse like perversion usually it comes in many ways but the same thing.

3.  “Solomon’s Vision”


(76.) Though I had a dream,


She has held me close to her breast-

, and behold I have felt a touch of a mother,

The Queen held me; as I sipped milk from her love. (75.)


Though in the vision I saw the beaten Savior as he fell,

Though I saw the bloody Rose amongst all thorns,

As I saw the King with dogs all around Him,

His holiness poured forth;

And behold I saw the power of the LORD-

As He risen from His fall,

My eyes have seen the King! (76.)


For He was that bruised Rose of Sharon,

He made all things new-

Though His beautiful Spirit was there

He stood up before the earth and has shown all glory as He walked

To Golgotha as He died,

For this was the king’s vision. (77.)

(78.) The vision of Solomon.

Though sin sits around me, my spirit is strong,

Though iniquity is present, I fall beneath the will of HIM- 

Though He died for me,

To clear away my errors. (79.)

As lions prowl around to devour my soul,

His pierced hand has covered me

Like the tents in the sky; He has covered me like a blanket His mercies are like dust above my head though He dust my flaws underneath His feet,

My insecurities in Him though I find my confidencein truth, for I am the most beautiful before Him, Jesus crowns me with no luxuries but by His thorns, He wore my anxieties and my worries as honor above His dome,

Though He was on a tree He cried in a loud voice of an Arch Angel-

He cried out to HIM for He forgave us and yet bore our sins, and crushed His own heart for ours, though we crush ourselves for the world, for the earth is wretched! (80.)

He has sacrificed HIS own flesh as Adonai was nailed, and has placed our curse upon Himself though the curse of the world was upon Him, He was champ over all things for He had socked out all gods from the heavens who were against HIM- 

HE has shown His power to the nations!




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