Esteban 3
Read Count : 160
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
“Who should stop GOD?”1.For who should stop the thoughts of the LORD,For He is HOLY! (2.)Who should stop the plans of Christ,(3.) For HE is good!For His mind is much higher than the heavens; HIS infinite wisdom, far beyond the comprehension of man.No one shall stop His ways. (4.)For He was not formed by man,But HE was the former of all life made through Him who bore our imperfections before us, He died, Limbo awaited the saints of old HE saved them by His grace!(5.)Though the devil tried to spear Him; He turned and said“The LORD rebukes you!”Though he trembled and all his angels fell in terror of Him. (6.) The Bandolero of righteousness has He filled our hearts of trembling before Him. (7.) He lifts up our eyes in gladness, He fills our songs with thanksgiving and chosen voices for those of the angels of the lands, though our heavenly voices are impure for the world, He lifts our voices in love, not to any god for HE shares His glory with no other.“Yielding To The Spirit”(8.) Yield to HIM and let not your heart be anxiousfor He loves you.(9.) As I trust in the LORD, I live,He is the STONE of my life-For many fools say“There is no God!” (10.)But my soul testifies truth of HIS merciful LOVE.I tested the Lord,Though He rescued me.“Romalis’s Dream”(11.) The summer of 2015I had a dream, where the Lord has shown me the stars of 2 fish and I asked of him what are these 2 fish?And the Angel Of The Lord has told me-“These are the two preachers I will cast to the earth!”(12.)Though I have awoken from sleep,I noticed a great mystery before me.(13.) Though I have seen the crucifixion of Yahweh,As HIS Son, I was behind the black curtains of the stage and light has shined above the Christ and He turned His head to the rebellious thief and has said to him“I love thee!” (14.)And the wicked thief told him in his heart“for you are not my God!”(15.)And Jesus lifting His head to The FATHER asking of him if forgiveness was abound? (16.)But the FATHER has looked down upon Him and said-“Lord, you know what to do.”(17.) So therefore He has turned him into swine before His FATHER.Though I heard the voice of the ‘GHOST’For He has sang unto me a new song saying-“Greater is the Lambto be with you-““Greater is the Lamb to walk with you-““Greater is the Lamb to talk to you-““Greater is the Lamb to blessed in thou-““Greater is the Lamb before His kingdom-““Greater is the Lamb for He is Christ!”(18.) Though as I laid my mind to rest I heard the Spirit of the Lord within my dome praising the Most High singing-“Hallelujah!”“Hallelujah!”“Hallelujah!”“Hallelujah to Hosana!”(19.) Though the Beautiful Spirit had rested upon the king of queens;For the Son has loved him for he is the heir of Solomon,“Let he reign in the house of Solomon!” (20.)“Let Christ’s power set upon him;As Valentine is his witness,”“All ye seraphim rejoice with him!”(21.) “For all who sees him, know his tender meekness!” (22.)“Let the LOVE of the Son rest upon him forever and ever for he who is of pleasant iniquity for the Spirit is greater!”(23.) “For the love of all women shall prevail in his name!” (24.)“For he is Jonathan, as he lowers his eyes before the Son; he has come to divide kingdoms and dominions, powers and authorities, for as malice he will bring forth justice for he holds the scales of the stars, he shall bring thee balance for he is the prince among princesses and the stag amongst roses for his King was the bloody rose amongst thorns; shall he be the Lilly in the valley for he is Romalis, let all his 90,000 angels be upon him!”25. “The most beautiful”Romalis-Though if any man defiles a woman,defiles me, and whosoever defiles me, defiles the Spirit, and whosoever defiles the Spirit, defiles the Son, and whosoever defiles the Son, defiles the FATHER! (26.)For shall I ask Lady Wisdom to pray against thy midsts and the wrath of her womb will be set against you for out from her belly let the bloody coals rumbles against thine graves for the dirt of her feet shall be upon you; and the Son’s wrath will avenge against thy seeds and thine families will be as great dogs against you, shall I set a poltergeist against thee; for there will be street wars and the rumbling of brethren, and the riots of wars, thou shall die by guns and fire 🔥 thine neighbors shall beat thee in the roads for as of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!(27.)“Nobody Greater”Though I’ve searched near and far,I couldn’t find no one,Though I searched over the earth and beneath it I still couldn’t find a soul. (28.) Though I looked across the lands and the sea,No one was there,Though it rained, the rain didn’t give me any power- though at the rising of the moon and the calling of the stars, the universe didn’t give me strength but as for Elohim, only the Omega I found much greater than all these and much greater than man; HE has rescued me from death and placed pendants around my neck as ‘She’ prayed over me as I slept, and the angels rejoiced over me as I slept.(29.) I heard Seraphim cry out unto the Son! (30.) And as She prayed, I was delivered by the Lord in my slumber and I was at peace.(31.) Though I had a dream of the summer of 2012Behold! I was in my room and as I opened the window, a mighty strong wind had came and behold, a mighty earthquake throughout the earth I trembled and hid-In a pure bathroom, I seen grey as of peace all around me,And black tiles under my feet as of authority in my walk;Though I went back inside the roomAnd a sudden calm was there and the earthquake and wind has ceased. (32.)As I’d peaked out the window,The skies were darkened and a rose pink face of a woman had pierced the clouds while she was vexed by wrath against the earth and behold I saw a cloud of a cherub stretching across the earth from the east coming to deliver me for I saw the Lord flew!(Psalm 18:10, Revelations 22:12-14, Ezekiel 1:4, Mark 13, Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Matthew 24:42, 44, Revelations 19:11-16)(33.) Though She placed a crown of wisdom upon my dome,She has crowned me with a beautiful crown of wreaths before the Son.(Proverbs 4:9, Revelations 3,)(34.) Though She uplifted my mother as the most blessed Daughter of daughters for she is the bridge of Solomon and the heart of David for she is the heart of Jesus, and I as the heart of Wisdom for she is clothed with glorious rays as She bows her head in reverence of the King.(35.) though I had a dream in the year of 2014For I was in prison, three angels had came to deliver me,For though I seen within the stars a great dragon opening it eyes in the skies looking down for I have escaped his cell. (36.) And I seen a playground of children playing though I could not see they’ve all turned to this bench and all have looked upon it and tears has formed within their eyes.(37.) For behold an invisible bench have given them reverence, but as I looked close,I have seen the beaten Savior clothed in white with a red sash,As His hair dripped with water.(38.) As I saw Him I cried.(39.) Though I have seen an opened door above me,I saw the Lord reaching out to me with a warm embrace and I heard the Spirit of the Lord declaring LOVE above me, for I was clothed with LOVE.(Ephesians 2:7 , Songs of Solomon2:4)(40.) For the most beautiful rose of Solomon for he was the most beautiful than his father- for the Son Of Daughters is the most beautiful before His kingdom,Though he’s of sinful attireThe Lord graces him His power upon him for the Son is greater than he and the Spirit is with him through the lonely nights he whispers not a sound, but his heart whispers unto the Lord his repentance.
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