Nellie's Life Read Count : 195

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Nellie's life 
Nellie is a young 23 year old woman who is just now starting to find her self. Nellie works in a family store called "Brandon's".
She hates it there because she gets ran over and disrespected. But her money is good she just bought a new car and a condo.she feels like if she quit now she won't be able to afford her car and condo.
All Nellie has ever wanted sense forever is to be independent. And now that she is she doesn't get respected as an adult.
Nellie hates that. But today was the last straw. Nellie came into work late because  her boss called her at the last minute to get her coffee from a shop a long way from her house. So Nellie had to take a 27minute drive plus 15minutes of Manhattans traffic. Then drive all the way to work which is a 17minute drive plus when Nellie finally got to work and gave her boss her coffee, Nellie got a rude awakening."Why are you so damned late with my coffee!!!"
Said her boss as she snatched the coffee out of Nellie's hand.
Nellie was quite taken aback but she managed to squeak out"well the distance plus traffic was a hassle ma'am"No excuses your fired!!"
Nellie was on the verge of crying as she turned around and started to walk away.
But before she had a chance to Nellie felt a rush of anger flush threw her and before she could contain it like she usually does,it takes control."hold up"Nellie turns around and says"Hold up, before I go sense I'm already fired let me tell you what a Bitch you are!!! You think that you can talk and treat people any kind of way?well let me tell you something I'm done putting up with you Shit!!! I'm glad you fired me cause it was a true Hell working for you I hope I never see you again,because your an disrespectful Asshole!!! And I wish you all luck with your store god bless you"Nellie said that last little bit with a calm and satisfied tone and she walked out feeling for the first time respected.


  • KavithaVivek G Nath

    KavithaVivek G Nath

    Hii dear. . I enjoyed your writing. .

    Apr 11, 2017

  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz


    Jun 06, 2017

  • DeErica  Allen

    DeErica Allen

    Thank you guys for being so nice I appreciate it I'll make sure to check out your writing also!

    Jun 06, 2017

  • Apr 11, 2017

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