Putin Must Be Sanctioned Read Count : 209

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
By all reasonable accounts, there is no way the Russian advisors at the Syrian air base could not have been fully aware of the extensive multi-stage steps to prepare for a chemical air attack. Intensive hazmat measures were required on the ground and while launching the planes.

Realizing that the Russian on-site advisors saw the preparations and likely assisted the required maneuvers, it would be ridiculous to think that Putin was not aware. 

The international community must push non-stop to uncover proof of this Russian, thus Putin, connection.

If this can be established, Russia must be severely sanctioned. A good first step would be to remove them from their permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Additional steps should follow to isolate them from the free world's economy. Putin is an international criminal of historic proportions. He must be isolated.


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