Bike Read Count : 126

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
 My purple bike was an embarrassment to the world. It had those little colourful streamers and a white bell you'd see on a two year old's bike. The tires were loose and deflated, and the paint was chipping off.I wouldn't be freaking out right now but here's the thing, I was on the young bikers league. It might seem stupid to you, but the WHOLE school was competing to get on the team. If your team wins, you get a trip to the Big Apple! And you and your teammates get your own hotel room! Perks of being in 7th grade. The 7th and 8th graders get to be in the hotel themselves. Weekly check in.  While the sixth and Fifth grade had to be checked on daily. Awesome right!? They let us use the bikes the school provides all the time. Except something happened on racing day...
 Our team is called dranaturiks ( Dran- A turks). The opposing team is called the hunterinks ( Hunt - A rinks). Yeah we got some random names for some reason. We didn't pick. Anyaway, we are rivals. We will find a way to sabatoge them and they will find a way to sabatoge us. Usually it's something small like writing on their helmets or deflating their wheels. But I guess this time we took it too far. We decided to repaint all thier bike wheels to be neon pink and the body  brown. The paint was pretty hard to take off. So we have a pretty good idea it was them. Besides the note they left us in the  garage for the bikes of course. Now what will we do?

 I'll be writing more of this soon so stay tooned! I hope to have a future in writing soon. I am a twelve year old with big dreams.


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