A Mysterious Story Of Ghost 2
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Continue: Past story: The boy(Saam),girl(Eshaa)in their college days were the guys always fight with each other. Saam was the topper of class but Eshaa was interested in music,she was a musician. Adith(friend) of both was a very good guy. But he was a very good friend of Eshaa. Once in their college fest both of them rocked the party. Eshaa and adith with their music and Saam with his knowledge in general knowledge. In their final exams Saam was the topper of their university. Adith made Saam and Eshaa friends. Then onwards adith, Eshaa and Saam were alike, spend time together and enjoys their weekends. Saam and adith fell in love with Eshaa but Eshaa loves Saam. By knowing this adith sacrificed his love for Saam and Eshaa. He convinced Saam and eshaa's parents for their marraige. With their acceptance Saam and eshaa got married. They both were happy in their married life. It was the time for saam's job career. He got many job offers but he only want to serve his nation. Finally he got a call from interview. He went for it and not satisfied. Saam decided to become a politician. He started serving people in his community by providing free health checkups and by cleaning surroundings helping neighbours. He made friends while doing his daily routine. Jimmy he became good friends of saam. They both became so close they use to share every thing. Their goals is same to serve nation .One day Sam invited Jimmy to his house.jim met eesha and adith. A few days later all 4 became good friends. One fine day they went for a picnic. jimmy and his wife came to picnic. Mrs.Jimmy was the childhood friend of Saam. All enjoyed their day and returned to home. One fine day Mrs.jimmy want to plan a prank to her childhood friend saam. So she went to saams mansion. And after a day ,they all got a news that Saam was dead. Now their is a question that who had killed saam. Adith had killed saam because he also loves eshaa? Had Jimmy killed Saam?Why? Present story : Saam's ghost want to tell eshaa about his murder.But she can't hear him. But atlast saam's ghost helped Eshaa to found out the killer. Atlast Eshaa found out that Jimmy was the person who murdered Saam. How mysterious is this? Jimmy killed Saam because he thought Saam and Mrs Jimmy wrong that she loves Saam when she went to prank Saam . In his imagination he killed Saam. The end.