Last Train
Read Count : 135
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
She was making her wayTo the front of the lineWasn’t going to beLeft behind this timePushing and shovingGetting jostled aroundWaiting for the trainWaiting for the soundListening for the whistleFor the conductor to announceThat her train had arrivedThat it was her turn to pounceThe crowd was murmuringTalking to themselvesHoping for a better futureTo take their lives off the shelvesThere was a cheerWhen the train finally arrivedThe people pushed and shovedTrying to get out aliveShe had made it to the frontShe had found her placeYou could see the desperationIn her eyes, on her faceAs the train rolled to a stopThere was a great heave from behindAnd the girl who fought and clawedWas shoved from behindShe fell to the tracksJust as the train came nearNo one made a soundBut her scream all could hearThe train came to a stopCovering the girl on the tracksPeople stood and staredPeople stepping backThe conductor moving inLooking for the girlHoping she was aliveThis fragile little pearlHe jumped to the trackShined his light under the trainLooking for the evidenceIf the girl was slainHe swept his light back and forthUntil it had arrivedThe girl all were looking forUnderneath the train had diedThe conductor stood slowlyWiping his browWith his head bowedHe shook his head no, in sorrowThe tears came slowlyFrom one and allThere arose a wail of sorrowFor the little girl who had fallenLife can be snatchedIn the blink of an eyeNo one knows the hourOr the date and timeSo check your baggage at the gateMake sure your ticket is in handThe conductor is making his final callTo make the trip to the Promised LandMany will be in lineMany will say take meBut only those with the proper ticketWill escape the burning sea
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