Last Train Read Count : 135

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
She was making her way
To the front of the line
Wasn’t going to be
Left behind this time
Pushing and shoving
Getting jostled around
Waiting for the train
Waiting for the sound

Listening for the whistle
For the conductor to announce
That her train had arrived
That it was her turn to pounce
The crowd was murmuring
Talking to themselves
Hoping for a better future
To take their lives off the shelves

There was a cheer
When the train finally arrived
The people pushed and shoved
Trying to get out alive
She had made it to the front
She had found her place
You could see the desperation
In her eyes, on her face

As the train rolled to a stop
There was a great heave from behind
And the girl who fought and clawed
Was shoved from behind
She fell to the tracks
Just as the train came near
No one made a sound
But her scream all could hear

The train came to a stop
Covering the girl on the tracks
People stood and stared
People stepping back
The conductor moving in
Looking for the girl
Hoping she was alive
This fragile little pearl

He jumped to the track
Shined his light under the train
Looking for the evidence
If the girl was slain
He swept his light back and forth
Until it had arrived
The girl all were looking for
Underneath the train had died

The conductor stood slowly
Wiping his brow
With his head bowed
He shook his head no, in sorrow
The tears came slowly 
From one and all
There arose a wail of sorrow
For the little girl who had fallen

Life can be snatched
In the blink of an eye
No one knows the hour
Or the date and time
So check your baggage at the gate
Make sure your ticket is in hand
The conductor is making his final call
To make the trip to the Promised Land

Many will be in line
Many will say take me
But only those with the proper ticket
Will escape the burning sea


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