Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Bright teal jeans
Sequin color changing shirts
Flower crowns, and tiaras
Princess fluffy shoes
My little ponies
A cute little grocery cash register
An American girl doll business
Decorations that I like to put on my head
The TV shows and books that used to be so engaging
A cute little kitchen and a table that was pink with a chalk board top
The forts I made
The attitude and crazy stories I used to make up
The way I waited for my friends for hours
The way my sisters used to talk to me and the way I believed every word they said
And the magic of life
I say this was when I was a child life was better than this
yet I’m still a child we’re all still children because tomorrow will look back at today and say I wish I was then I was a kid and one day the high school and the old mascara, the pretty lip gloss The 70s outfits the endless finals the products I use that I believe I need to look pretty, the overwhelming stress the weird corny friends and the magic of life will seem so precious
And you’ll think to yourself that seems like a lifetime ago
I wish I was then
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